
ROS wrapper for OpenNI2, specifically for the Structure Sensor

Primary LanguageC++


ROS wrapper for OpenNI2, specifically for the Structure Sensor


  • Install OpenNI2: clone the OpenNI2 repo to ~/OpenNI2 and compile
  • Clone this repo under the source directory of your ROS workspace (e.g., under ~/catkin_ws/src/)
  • Modify CMakeLists.txt. Specifically:
    • Line 5: if the OpenNI2 is not located at ~/OpenNI2, modify the OPENNI2_PATH variable to your OpenNI2 directory
    • Line 34-35: modify the path, depending on the platform (Arm-Release or x64-Release)
  • Compile (e.g., run catkin_make under the directory ~/catkin_ws)


  • Run source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  • Launch the structure sensor with roslaunch openni2_ros_wrapper structure_sensor.launch


To change the resolution and frame rate, modify the structure_sensor.launch file.