
Crossbar.io Demos

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Crossbar.io Demos

Crossbar.io comes with ready-to-run demos that show off different features of Crossbar.io.

The complete demo bundle is available as a Python package which you can install into your existing Crossbar.io installation and try yourself - see below.

For installation of Crossbar.io itself, please see the Getting Started.

The source-code for the demos can be found in the repository here and is open-source licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. This allows you to reuse the code even in commercial projects for use as starting points in your development.

Try it

1) Install the Demos

To install from PyPI

pip install crossbardemo

To upgrade an existing package from PyPI

pip install --upgrade crossbardemo

2) Create a new Crossbar.io node

cd $HOME
mkdir demo1
cd demo1
crossbar init --template demos

and start

cd $HOME/demo1
crossbar start

Crossbar.io will log startup

$ crossbar start
2014-04-02 14:48:08+0200 [Controller 136] Log opened.
2014-04-02 14:48:08+0200 [Controller 136] ============================== Crossbar.io ==============================
2014-04-02 14:48:10+0200 [Controller 136] Worker 3740: Class 'crossbardemo.basic.TimeService' (1) started in realm 'realm1' on router 101
2014-04-02 14:48:10+0200 [Controller 136] Worker 3740: Class 'crossbardemo.basic.TickService' (2) started in realm 'realm1' on router 101
2014-04-02 14:48:10+0200 [Controller 136] Worker 3740: Class 'crossbardemo.basic.MathService' (3) started in realm 'realm1' on router 101
2014-04-02 14:48:10+0200 [Worker 3740] Loaded static Web resource 'web' from module 'crossbardemo 0.3.2' (filesystem path c:\Python27\lib\site-packages\crossbardemo\web)
2014-04-02 14:48:10+0200 [Worker 3740] Site starting on 8080

3) Test the Demos

Open the demos entry page at in your browser

Then, for example, open the "Chat" demos in two browser tabs to see it communicate in real-time