Installation & Configuration:

1- Navigate/Change into (using the cd command) to the project root directory, then run the 'composer install' command.

2- Run the 'npm install' command (and only in case you face any issues/errors, run the 'npm audit fix' command), and then run the 'npm run build' command.

3- Create a MySQL database named multivendor_ecommerce, then import the multivendor_ecommerce database SQL Dump File into your multivendor_ecommerce database.

4- Navigate to the .env file and configure/update it with your MySQL database credentials and other configuration settings.

5- Run the 'php artisan serve' command, and then open your browser and visit to access the Frontend section of the application, or to access the Admin Panel.

Ready-to-use registered accounts credentials you can use to log in:

  1. Superadmin (to access the Admin Panel): Email:, Password: 123456

  2. Vendor (to access the Admin Panel): Email:**, Password: 123456

  3. User (to access the Frontend): Email:, Password: 123456