
A quick project demo'ing the use of Emgu CV (Open CV .NET lib) from F#

Primary LanguageF#

Getting Started with F# and OpenCV

I am using Windows 10 Pro x64 so some dependencies may differ.

Getting and Building Emgu CV

  1. Download and install Visual Studio Community 2015 (already installed on my system)

  2. Download and install MSVCRT 9.0 SP1 (x64, or x86) (x64 is already installed on my system) http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13523

  3. Download libemgucv-windows-universal- http://sourceforge.net/projects/emgucv/files/emgucv/3.0.0/libemgucv-windows-universal-

  4. Extract contents of libemgucv-windows-universal- to a folder (replace with $EmgCVPath further down) e.g. Extract to c:\emgucv-3.0\

  5. Build solution "$EmgCVPath\Solution\VS2010-2015\Emgu.CV.sln" in Visual Studio Community 2015 in Release mode. This will produce binaries in $EmguCVPath\bin

Creating a New Project with Build Artefacts

  1. Create new F# library project using Visual Studio

  2. Right click references in project and click Add Reference ...

  3. Add Emgu.Util.dll and Emgu.CV.dll from $EmgCVPath\bin

  4. Add the following to any classes with which you wish to use the Emgu CV library with

    open Emgu.CV;

    open Emgu.CV.Structure;

If you see no IntelliSense errors then that suggests the correct references are being picked up.