
Basic yet complete LuaJIT bindings using ffi for reproc: https://github.com/DaanDeMeyer/reproc

Primary LanguageLua


Basic FFI wrapper for reproc

⚠️ Only tested on Linux!

luarocks install https://github.com/Simon-L/lua-reproc/raw/main/lua-reproc-dev-1.rockspec


Requiring this module returns a function that needs to be called:
local reproc = require "reproc"()
With no argument, the module tries to load the reproc shared library from the rock's directory. This feature needs datafile: luarocks install datafile.

You may prefer to point it to libreproc.so at any other location: local reproc = require "reproc"("path/to/libreproc.so"), which effectively makes luarocks optional for this module: just grab src/reproc.lua, build reproc and let's go.


reproc_read.lua contains an example very closely reproducing the example of the same name in reproc repo.
nonblocking_read.lua shows how to do non blocking read on child processes stdout.

A basic usage of reproc_run is shown below:

local ffi = require "ffi"
local reproc = require "reproc"()

-- Table with program and args, adding nil is necessary
local cmd = { "echo", "\"Hello World\"" }
cmd[#cmd+1] = nil

-- #cmd doesn't include nil elements, hence +1
local args = ffi.new("const char*[" .. #cmd+1 .. "]", cmd)
local ret = reproc.reproc_run(args, ffi.new("reproc_options"));

-- check return value