EasyAGAL by David Barlia, david@barliesque.com --------------------------------- Download: http://github.com/Barliesque/EasyAGAL Online documentation: http://barliesque.com/easy_agal/docs/ EasyAGAL is an open source ActionScript library that assists developers in writing AGAL ("Adobe Graphics Assembly Language") by providing an AS3-based pseudo-AGAL command set. The resulting advantages include: * Code completion and hinting * More easy-to-read code * Macros organized into libraries * Dynamic code customization EasyAGAL provides training wheels to learning AGAL as well as a structural foundation for writing shaders for use with any other library. All methods of EasyAGAL maintain the same parameters, in the same order, as AGAL opcodes; They are all documented with ASDoc tags providing help for every instruction and register as you type, including the original AGAL opcodes. CHANGE LOG _________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.Jan.2014 - Corrected parameters passed to kil/killFragment() (Thanks b005t3r for reporting) 31.Aug.2012 - Rewrote Trig.atan2() which had a bug (thanks @nshen for reporting) - Added public access to property "code" which is useful for comments 4.June.2012 - Updated AGALMiniAssembler.as - Removed macro placeholders for seq & sne which are now supported - Updated swc & docs 18.May.2012 - Fixed atan() formula which was incorrect for input values less than 0 (thanks @makc for reporting) - New alias management functions! assign() & unassign() - Added .xy as a standard component selection - Removed unsupported flags from TextureFlag.as 25.Feb.2012 - New example: a shader that renders lighting - Corrected an embarassing number of mistakes in the docs for Blend.as - Added checks to Blend.as where use of the same register for dest and either base or blend color fowls up the calculation 17.Feb.2012 - Updated SWC library - Updated Docs with additions to Trig.as - Fixed error in Trig.as - Removed unused parameter "one" from ColorSpace::rgb2hsl() 16.Feb.2012 - Completed Trig.as macro library 11.Feb.2012 - Added new macro class -- Trig -- to contain macros for missing trigonometric functions - Improved documentation, particularly in IRegister 4.Feb.2012 - Compiled library to a SWC - Added BlendHSL macros including: hue, saturation, luminosity and color blend functions - Added ColorSpace macros, featuring conversion between RGB & HSL, desaturate, colorize, etc. - Added new functions to RegisterType: isConst(), isTemp() , isReadOnly() - Corrected an error in Component.as, register type was not passed on to component 3.Dec.2011 - Updated AGALMiniAssembler.as to official branch with support for rgba accessors - Minor corrections in docs 11.Nov.2011 - Compiled ASDocs now included - Updates to all ASDoc tags. Lots of additions, some minor corrections. 25.Oct.2011 - Added new "formatAS3" option to getVertexOpcode() and getFragmentOpcode() - Using this option, you can trace the opcode generated by EasyAGAL formatted as AS3 code. - Comment out your EasyAGAL shader code and replace, for a slight optimization. - Uncomment the EasyAGAL code to continue work. - Obviously this is not applicable to dynamically customized shader code. 23.Oct.2011 - Modified AGALMiniAssembler.as to fix mishandling of RGBA component accessors - Removed workaround from EasyBase.as 16.Oct.2011 - Changed register variables to static, so that only one set is needed for the entire project - EasyBase.init() now does not get called if it's not needed. If all shaders in a project use setVertexOpcode() and setFragmentOpcode() in the constructor, none of EasyAGAL's registers need to be used, conserving memory. 15.Oct.2011 - Added RegisterType and support for obtaining types of registers from macros. - Added two more blend modes to macro library Blend.as: lighterColor & darkerColor - Replaced nextRegister.as which mysteriously disappeared! 4.Oct.2011 - Replaced Blend.softLight() with a formula that is a perfect match with Photoshop and is *far* more efficient - setFragmentOpcode() and setVertexOpcode() now allow appending. Instruction counting still not added. - Retested all blend modes. Minor updates to avoid possible "two constant parameters" error. - Removed unsupported facility to select components of a SAMPLER register - Fixed bugs in Blend.softLight() and Blend.hardLight() macros 3.Oct.2011 - Updated AGALMiniAssembler.as to current version!!! - Removed verboseDebug as it is no longer an option in AGALMiniAssembler 2.Oct.2011 - added CONST_byIndex - opcode and instruction count are available now before calling upload() - shader upload errors now trigger a dump of the shader code with line numbers - separated debug options in EasyBase constructor - added interface IComponent to differentiate single components - new macro Utils.selectByIndex()
EasyAGAL is an open source ActionScript library that simplifies coding assembly language shaders. Advantages include: Code completion and hinting, easier-to-read code, macro libraries -- including trigonometry functions like atan2(), color blending formulas from Photoshop, and more -- ready to use in your own shaders.