
This is the repository for the 2020 Fall Android Development workshop coding tasks.


This is the repository for the 2020 Fall Android Development workshop coding tasks.

This Beginners Android Development Workshop gets you the feel and taste of Android app Development and lays a foundation for further android development.

The Coding Tasks are categorized as below:

1.Coding Task 1 - UI design (Linear layout, frame layout, textview, image view, others)

2.Coding Task 2 - Intents and Activity navigation (implicit and explicit intents)

3.Coding Task 3 - Getting User Input(radio button, checkbox, text editor)

4.Coding Task 4 - App bar actions

5.Coding Task 5 - Recycling views

  1. Final Project-: Combine the modules you have learnt to creatively design a simple Android app. Share it with your friends and family, and feel happy about your first android App. Wish you the best as you take Android App development to the Next Level...