React Message Bar Component


This package provides a single component which shows a message/announcement bar. A dismiss button is available and clickable to close the message for the current and further sessions.

LocalStorage is used to hold the 'dismiss-state'. The component can receive an announcement-id prop to set a new message, which overrides the previous (dismissed) message.



npm i react-message-bar


Import react-message-bar

import ReactMessageBar from 'react-message-bar'

Add default styling (optional)

import 'react-message-bar/lib/styles/default.css'

Use the component in your app

<ReactMessageBar>Hello, welcome to this announcement!</ReactMessageBar>

Or, to override dismissed bars

<ReactMessageBar messageId="message-2">Hello, welcome to this NEW announcement!</ReactMessageBar>


Default styling is provided via CSS. All elements have classnames to apply your own styling.


Name Type Description
messageId String Set whether you want to make sure your message is shown to all users, including which have dismissed the bar.