
Protoptype/ example of service publishing and request routing using zuul and hazelcast with no eurica and concrete IP addresses

Primary LanguageJava


Protoptype/ example of service publishing and request routing using zuul and hazelcast with no eurica and concrete IP addresses. -The project uses a fragments of solutions which have been created previously and demonstrates any possibilties and benefites of Hazelcast use for REST services discovery. -The project is based on base of Hazelcast based tools and API which are in the project https://github.com/SimonCanJer/microhazle. -The project configuration is also suppose usage of REST faced application, which provides ToDo notes service, uses microservice, which consumes and processes requests over Hazelcast queues and registers URL of controller of the REST facade over Hazelcast. API of the mentioned tool is used. The project of the application, underlaying microservice and related add ins to Spring is here:https://github.com/SimonCanJer/spring-micro-hazel

  • Pom of this project refers to jars which are generated during mvn install ran on https://github.com/SimonCanJer/microhazle directory.
  • project https://github.com/SimonCanJer/spring-micro-hazel is used for request handling after routing(from POSTMAN for instance). This project is interrelated with https://github.com/SimonCanJer/spring-micro-hazel by means of the request mapping ("/toDo")
  • both of the projects (referred https://github.com/SimonCanJer/microhazle) and partner in demo(https://github.com/SimonCanJer/spring-micro-hazel) can be installed automatically by means of running either of the install scripts :install.win.bat or install.lunux.sh (depending on OS of coarse). The scripts make all the installation work including clone of related repositories and sequenting call of maven installer. Finally it rans Facade application exposing REST controller on the top of Tomcat which is backed by microservice implementing the whole work behind the facade. #The project structure
  • The project's main package is cloud.lb.zuul. The package exposes interfaces IHazelcastExporter, IHazelcastNameAccessor, which define main methods to create gateway and routing. ZuulRunner just defines necessary properties in order to connect to federation of services, which the gate is opened for, and additional mapping to intergrate Hazelcast discovery/population mechanism within Zuul infrastruture. Thus, application.properties file contains the meanful entry zuul.routes.notes_service.path=/notes_service/* , that is the pattern, whuch must be intercepted by installed filter, which is described bellow. Internal routing is defined by means of the property "zuul.route.map", which maps entry of pattern from zuul.routes.notes_service.path on a new value. Thus, System.getProperties().put("zuul.route.map", "notes_service=toDo,other_service=nothing") means that entry notes_service will be replaced by toDo for internal routing
  • The main meanfull work is done inside the cloud.lb.zuul.additional.populated.ConfigAdditionalDiscovery, which exposes ZuulFilter bean cloud.lb.zuul.additional.populated.additional.filtering.DispathFilter, where forwarding is implemented and ApplicationContexAware listener with handler for context ready event. The handler initiates internals of micro-hazel tool, using its API,obtains list of available instamces of the alerted name to route and transmits a sink to be notified about additional registraionsof remote end points (names and their URL are regstered transparently) on JVM, providing the end point and extracted from internal Hazelcast collection, which is visible. The configuration eposes also IHazelcastExporter and IHzlNameAccessor interffaces, whih are used in the dispatch filer. The implementation of interfaces is leveraged by nested classes,which retrieve list of available URL per name and selects URL in accordance with the Round Robin principle.
  • interceptions of request and routing are implemented is the DispatchFilter,whicg extends ZuulFilter. If incoming matches a pattern which corresponds to a name, then the implementation builds a new routing path, where first element is removed or replaced by another element for internal routing. Path finaly added to a URL where the named end point exposed. -Forwarding done way of HttpUrlConnection, Zuul response is not sent automatically, request result is writtn to HttpServletResponse together with code. In a case when URL is not connectable, another URL will be selected for forwarding, and the not connectable URL will be removed from list and then from cross domain(federation) registration.
  • In order to test, start the application from the project https://github.com/SimonCanJer/spring-micro-hazel(both facade and DataService). It can be done automatically, when running installation script. Then start this application(it will be started automatically together with end point, when using one of installation scripts are mentioned above) -Run Postman (or another similar tool), type http://localhost:8050/notes_service/get_notes?for=me and send as GET(8050 is zull's port) you will see a JSON response type http://localhost:8050/notes_service/put_note?for=wife&&what=love me and send as PUT You should see resposne.

Remarks. In this version we use the Mono in the REST application facade, where request is routed to. It is in the micro.examples.facade.Controller class. The fact is that it works inside the Zuul framework. Yes, Ribbon part is hooked around, but Mono asynchronous model works. Did not check, but Flux would also be working. Here a simple work around Ribbon is realized for the pruposes are exposed above. The implemented mechanism of discovery and routing Hazelcast framework and a wrapping tools (for convenience). The basis provides services of caching, messaging/events, discovery(especially). The discovery layer is unified and done inside the Hazelcast with no coast in the units of additional dependencies and installs. It simplifies Devops significantly. The Hazelcast internal discovery mechanism has plugs supporting handhakes inside AWS, GCP,Kubernetes.