- abahm
- afternoneccnu
- Andy-PJapan
- carlosloslasSingapore
- Cody-GGoogle
- davidssmithVanderbilt University
- dextorious
- dlfivefiftyImperial College
- fschuelerBerlin, Germany
- ghaspias
- JobJobSydney, Australia
- johansigfrids
- Ken-BAntwerp, Belgium
- lanastasovZaUtre
- lanzafameAustralia
- levskayasan francisco, ca
- maxrubyMiltenyi Biotec
- mgjeUniversity of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
- mmagnuskiPoland
- neomatrixcodeOaxaca, Mexico
- PetrKryslUCSDUniversity of California, San Diego
- rleegatesInstitut für Baumechanik und Numerische Mechanik, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- rohitvarkeyGeorgia Institute of Technology
- rossant@int-brain-lab @cortex-lab
- shashiMIT
- SimonDanisch@MakieOrg
- sjkellyBoston
- skarielHuawei / Senior Software Architect
- suzhu1988
- tbreloffElemental Cognition
- v--@asteasolutions
- vchuravy@mit
- vrldGermany
- wildartNYC
- xiuliren
- zhongnanshan