This package provides a way to implement the Christofides algorithm for solving Travelling Saleman Problem (TSP) to obtain an approximate solution on an undirected graph.
Use the compute() function which takes as input a distance_matrix and returns a Christofides solution as follows:
from Christofides import christofides
TSP = christofides.compute(distance_matrix)
The Distance Matrix is an upper Triangular matrix with distance from a node on to itself 0, since Christofides algorithm could only be applied for undirected graphs. Also the distance between a node on to itself is practically 0. Example for distance_matrix is as follows, distance_matrix = :
The above distance_matrix should be provided as an input to christofides.compute(), when we want to calculate TSP for distance = :
christofides.compute(distance_matrix) returns a Dictionary with following Keys:
- Christofides_Solution: A list consisting of approximate tour for TSP. Use: TSP['Chistofides_Solution']
- Travel_Cost: The cost of TSP tour generated. Use: TSP['Travel_Cost']
- MST: The minimum spanning tree generated during the Christofides algorithm. Use: TSP['MST']
- Odd_Vertices: A list of odd vertices of minimum spanning tree. Use: TSP['Odd_Vertices']
- Indexes: List of edges from minimum cost perfect matching of odd vertices. Use: TSP['Indexes']
- Multigraph: Edges of multigraph formed after Indexing. Use: TSP['Multigraph']
- Euler_Tour: The Euler Tour of the Multigraph. Use: TSP['Euler_Tour']
- _csr_gen_triples(csr_matrix)
- _odd_vertices_of_MST(distance_matrix, number_of_nodes)
- min_Munkres(distance_matrix, bipartitie_graphs)
- Munkres_cost(indexes, bipartite_graph)
- bipartite_Graph(distance_matrix, bipartite_set, odd_vertices)
- create_Multigraph(distance_matrix, MST, indexes, odd_vertices)
- Euler_Tour(multigraph)
- shortcut_Euler_Tour(tour)
- cost(christofides_tour, distance_matrix)
Download Package and Install using:
python install
pip install Christofides
scipy, numpy, networkx, munkres