
Official repository for concrete5 development

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status

Welcome to the official repository for concrete5 development! concrete5 is an open source CMS built by people from around the world. Want to get involved? Check out our contributor guide for more info.


Throughput Graph


If you're looking for concrete5 documentation, you'll want to navigate over to documentation.concrete5.org. If you see anything that needs more information or is just completely wrong, contributions are welcomed! Just log in to the documentation site with your concrete5.org account and edit away!


  1. Make sure your development environment enables PHP short tags.

  2. Clone the repository

     git clone https://github.com/concrete5/concrete5.git
     cd concrete5/
  3. Use Composer to install the third party dependencies in /web/concrete

     cd web/concrete
     composer install
     cd ../../
  4. Use npm to install grunt to the build directory and install the command line interface in /build

     cd build
     npm install -g grunt-cli
     npm install
     cd ../


Looking for legacy versions of concrete5? Head over to the concrete5-legacy repository.