
A simple admin overlay to get to the relevant areas of the Craft CMS control panel.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Visor logo Visor

A simple admin overlay to get to the relevant areas of the Craft CMS control panel.


Visor Demo


Visor screengrab


To install Visor, follow these steps:

  1. Download & unzip the file and place the inner visor directory in your craft/plugins folder
  2. Install plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings > Plugins
  3. The plugin folder should be named visor for Craft to recognize it.
  4. Add {% hook "addVisor" %} to any templates it should display on. Ideally this should be right before the </body> tag in your _layout.html file.

Keyboard Shortcuts

You can activate Visor by clicking the gear icon or using the following keyboard shortcuts:

Key Description
` Toggles Visor open or close
ESC Closes Visor (if open)

Customizing Visor

Overriding styles

Visor has a class of craft-visor--override on the outer <section> element. To change any of the default styles, simply start your styles with .craft-visor.craft-visor--override. This will make your styles more specific without resorting to !important madness.

Overriding icons

Visor also uses inline SVGs for all graphics. This:

  • Reduces HTTP requests
  • Looks crisp at any pixel density
  • Allows you to re-style the icons using fill in your CSS

Overriding background

If you'd prefer to replace purple with a different color you can change this by targeting .craft-visor__modal.

Browser compatibility

This has been tested on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE 10+, but drop in an Issue if you notice any strangeness.


We welcome anyone and everyone who would like to improve Visor to fork it and send in pull requests. To start developing Visor:

  1. Ensure you have Node version 5.x.x running on your machine
  2. Clone the repo to your computer
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm run build to compile the _styles and _scripts files into the main visor/ directory

Visor Changelog

View the JSON changelog