unresponsive directions in gas sensor arrays

data and Python code to reproduce all plots in:

N. Gantzler, A. Henle, P. Thallapally, X. Fern, C. Simon. "Non-injective gas sensor arrays: identifying undetectable composition changes." Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. (2021). link. preprint.

  • data: contains experimentally measured gas adsorption isotherms in Co-MOF-74 and HKUST-1 as well as bulk gas density to convert from excess to absolute adsorption. sources of the data in header of file as a comment.
  • IAST.jl: main Jupyter Notebook to reproduce plots in the article.
  • mayavi_viz.py: run this to generate 3D plots after IAST.jl runs. it reads in data saved to file from IAST.jl. run as python mayavi_viz.py HKUST-1.