
a simple paginator package for react applications.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Paginatr

Easy pagination mixin and component for React.

Will add easy pagination with help of Array.slice function to display paginated lists. Includes a react mixin to easily slice the results and a pagination view component (uses a simple list by default - compatible with bootstrap).


Install react-paginatr with npm:

$ npm install react-paginatr


require it in files to use and define Mixin and Component:

    var Paginatr = require('react-paginatr'),
        PaginatrMixin = Paginatr.Mixin,
        PaginatrComponent = Paginatr.Component;

Paginating data:

use the paginate function in the mixin to get the array part for this page. this will use the _page state attribute as current page by default

add the mixin:

    mixins: [PaginatrMixin],

use the paginate method:

   var paginatedResults = this.paginate(data, perPage, _page);

that's what it could look like:

    module.exports = React.createClass({
          mixins: [PaginatrMixin],
          resultsPerPage: 2,
          render: function() {
              // paginate the full set of results in this.props.results
               var paginatedResults = this.paginate(this.props.results, this.resultsPerPage);
              // map results
               var Results = paginatedResults.map(function(result)
                             return (
                                <div key={'key-' + result.id}>{result.name}</div>
              // display it
               return (

paginate method

   this.paginate(data, perPage, _page)
array data

An array with items to paginate.

 var data = [
              { id: 1, name: 'Pete' },
              { id: 1, name: 'Miriam' },
              { id: 1, name: 'Heinz' },
              { id: 1, name: 'Brunhilde' }
integer perPage (default: 12)

the number of items per page

integer _page (optional | defaults to: this.state._page)

current page number. If not set it will use this.state._page. (only needs to be set in special situations)

Pagination Component:

displaying the pagination box is quite easy. Just drop the pagination component in there:

    render: function() {
                  page={this.state._page}          /* int: current page number - required */
                  pagesTotal={10}                  /* int: number of total pages - required */
                  pageRangeDisplayed={1}           /* int: how much around start and end should be displayed by default (default: 1) */
                  activePageRangeDisplayed={2}     /* int: how much around active page should be displayed by default (default: 2) */
                  prevLabel="«"                    /* string: label for previous entry - false to disable previous button (default: "Previous") */
                  nextLabel="»"                    /* string: label for next entry - false to disable next button (default: "Next") */
                  breakLabel="...     "            /* string: label for breaks if there are too many pages to display at once - false to disable breaks (default: "...") */
                  containerClass="pagination"      /* string: label for breaks if there are too many pages to display at once - false to disable breaks (default: "...") */
                  onPageSelect={this.onPageSelect} /* func: the function to change the page number. the mixin already adds a simple onPageSelect method. If you need more overwrite it. */
minimal component attributes

to make the component work you need at least those three attributes:

    render: function() {

Full example

here is a full working example of a paginated component

var React = require('react');
var Paginatr = require('react-paginatr');
var PaginatrMixin = Paginatr.Mixin,
    PaginatrComponent = Paginatr.Component;

var Mycomponent = React.createClass({

   mixins: [PaginatrMixin],

   resultsPerPage: 2,

   render: function() {

                  var dataArr = [
                                    { id: 1, name: 'Pete' },
                                    { id: 2, name: 'Miriam' },
                                    { id: 3, name: 'Heinz' },
                                    { id: 4, name: 'Brunhilde' }
                  var pagesTotal = Math.ceil(dataArr.length / this.resultsPerPage);

                 // paginate the full set of results in this.props.results
                  var paginatedResults = this.paginate(dataArr,                     // the data array
                                                       this.resultsPerPage,         // number of results per page
                                                       this.state._page);           // (optional) the current page (only if you want to override current page)

                 // map results
                  var Results = paginatedResults.map(function(result)
                                return (
                                   <div key={'key-' + result.id}>{result.name}</div>

                 // display it
                  return (
                     <div className="text-center">
                                    breakLabel="...     "


export default Mycomponent;

More Customization:

use different method on page change

if you want to use a different method on page (maybe to do something else), just create your own onPageSelect method (use a different name - to prevent duplicate method error) and assign that to your component.


    onPageSelectCustom: function(_page, clickEvent) {
       // do here whatever you need to do
        console.log('the page: '+ _page);
       // the following is what we do in the onPageSelect method in mixin (surprise: no big magic there)
        this.setState({ _page: _page });
    render: function() {
                  onPageSelect={this.onPageSelectCustom} // just use your function here