
Outpainting Backend

Primary LanguagePython

Project Outpainting

This repo consists of a pipeline to generate an infinite image from a newsfeed via stable diffusion inpainting.

There's also a frontend app to showcase the results Outpainting App.

Module Description


We use LAION aesthetic predictor as quality assurance. Each image gets rated after generation and based on that score we either take or throw away that image.


This file consists of a Flask API to serve the Outpainting App.

It also supports a small standalone page to control some functionality localhost:8000.


We use news APIs to get the latest news headlines. This module handles that.


This module has a database class to connect to a local SQLite database.


This is the heart of the project. It handles the outpainting process.


The outpainting config can be found in the outpainting_config.ini file. This module handles that config.


A collection of various different helper functions we use throughout the project.


Local only API

To start the docker container, run the following command

docker compose up -d


For the hosting the files in the /docker directory are used.

  1. Set up a structure like the following.
    ├── docker-compose.yml
    ├── outpainting
    └── outpainting-app
    1. Clone the Outpainting App and the Outpainting repo.
    2. Copy the docker-compose.yml from outpainting/docker/docker-compose.yml.
    3. Adjust the URL in outpainting-app/.env.production to the URL of the API.
  2. Now you can run both containers with the following command.
    docker compose up -d
  3. You should now see both containers running.
    docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS        PORTS                                       NAMES
    673a5c02efae   stsiguet-outpainting-api   "conda run -n outpai…"   1 seconds ago   Up 1 second>8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp   stsiguet-outpainting-api
    602efcd982c7   stsiguet-outpainting-app   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   1 seconds ago   Up 1 second>8080/tcp, :::8080->8080/tcp   stsiguet-outpainting-app
  4. Finished! You can now access the app via localhost:8080 and the Development Interface via localhost:8000.
  5. Or via your IP/URL on ports 8080 and 8000.

Local Environment


Install the Anaconda environment from the provided file

conda env create -f environment.yml

Set up the environment manually

conda create --name outpainting python=3.10
conda activate outpainting

conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install --upgrade Flask
pip install --upgrade flask-cors
pip install --upgrade diffusers[torch]
pip install transformers
pip install accelerate
pip install waitress
pip install open-clip-torch
pip install newsapi-python

Activate the environment

conda activate outpainting

Add a huggingface token

huggingface-cli login --token $HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN



python flask-dev.py


python serve.py


Create an 'input' directory and add a file named 'prompts.json'. The structure should look like that in the 'prompts.json.example'.

python generate.py

Replace API keys

If necessary get new API keys from NYTimes and NewsAPI and replace the legacy keys in config.ini.