
Feedly theme for Tiny Tiny RSS

Primary LanguageCSS


Feedly theme for Tiny Tiny RSS 19.2+.

If you are using an older version of TT-RSS, have a look at the branches.

For the best experience, use a current browser. IE9 and older versions are not supported.

This theme is tested in Chrome on a regular basis and should work fine in IE10 and recent versions of Safari, Firefox (28+) and Opera (15+) as well.


Prerequisites: Running instance of TT-RSS

Install steps (If you did not find the description on the TT-RSS Homepage):

  1. Download the ZIP-File: wget https://github.com/levito/tt-rss-feedly-theme/archive/master.zip
  2. Unzip the ZIP-File: unzip master.zip
  3. Change into the newly created folder: cd tt-rss-feedly-theme-master
  4. Copy the relevant files into your TT-RSS folder: cp -r feedly* [TT-RSS_Home]/themes.local
  5. Go into your TT-RSS preferences and select the feedly-theme.


You will need node.js and npm installed.

  1. Run npm install to install dependencies
  2. Run npm start to watch src and compile on changes






traditional, wide, hidden sidebar

preferences + layer

Licensed under the WTFPL