
Frigidaire Cloud API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frigidaire Cloud Node.js Module

This is a quick and dirty IBM WorkLight client to talk to the Frigidaire cloud services for C&C of Frigidiare Wifi enabled devices. Ultimate goal is to integreate with HomeKit for Siri and better UI/UX expereince! (the Frigidare App is terrible)


  • Auth is working!
  • setting attributes values works!
  • getting attribute values works!
  • function library complete for homebridge plugin support!
  • telemetry updates now fetched and merged into the telem data


  • figure out how the X-WL-ClientId is generated. it appears to be a sha1sum of something, not sure what.
    • tested with another device, it seems to definately be dependant upon the device type
    • not based on iOS version
    • probably some conbination of the app version and device string
    • needs to match their database of expected device string, or will fail auth chain
  • Telementry updates
    • add a timer to recieve updated telementry (try to keep the timing to the observed behavor in the real client. seems to be every 2-4 seconds. however, maybe we need less if homekit is not focued? this may be done on the homebridge plugin side)