
reveal.js on steroids! Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from your Markdown files

Primary LanguageJavaScript


reveal.js on steroids! Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from your Markdown files.


npm install -g reveal-md

Quick demo

reveal-md demo

Markdown in reveal.js

The Markdown feature of reveal.js is awesome, and has an easy (and configurable) syntax to separate slides. Use three dashes surrounded by two blank lines (\n---\n). Example:

# Title

* Point 1
* Point 2


## Second slide

> Best quote ever.

Note: speaker notes FTW!

The separator syntax can be overriden (e.g. I like to use three blank lines).

Speaker Notes

You can use the speaker notes feature by using a line starting with Note:.


To open specific Markdown file as Reveal.js slideshow:

reveal-md slides.md

You can also provide a url that resolves to a Markdown resource (over http(s)).

reveal-md https://raw.github.com/webpro/reveal-md/master/demo/a.md

Show (recursive) directory listing of Markdown files:

reveal-md dir/

Show directory listing of Markdown files in current directory:


Override theme (default: black):

reveal-md slides.md --theme solarized

Override reveal theme with a custom one:

# you'll need a theme/my-custom.css file
reveal-md slides.md --theme my-custom

Inject custom scripts into the page:

reveal-md slides.md --scripts script.js,another-script.js

Override reveal theme with a remote one (use rawgit.com because the url must allow cross-site access):

reveal-md slides.md --theme https://rawgit.com/puzzle/pitc-revealjs-theme/master/theme/puzzle.css

Override highlight theme (default: zenburn):

reveal-md slides.md --highlightTheme github

Override slide separator (default: \n---\n):

reveal-md slides.md --separator "^\n\n\n"

Override vertical/nested slide separator (default: \n----\n):

reveal-md slides.md --verticalSeparator "^\n\n"

Override port (default: 1948):

reveal-md slides.md --port 8888

Disable to automatically open your web browser:

reveal-md slides.md --disableAutoOpen

Print Support

Requires phantomjs to be installed (preferably globally)

This will try to create a pdf with the passed in file (eg slides.md) and outputted to the name passed into the --print parameter (eg slides.pdf)

reveal-md slides.md --print slides.pdf


You can define Reveal.js options in a reveal.json file that you should put in the root directory of the Markdown files. They'll be picked up automatically. Example:

    "controls": true,
    "progress": true

Custom slide attributes

You can use the reveal.js slide attributes functionality to add HTML attributes, e.g. custom backgrounds. Alternatively you could add an HTML id attribute to a specific slide and style it with your own CSS.

If you want yor second slide to have a png background:

# slide1

This slide has no background image.


<!-- .slide: data-background="./image1.png" -->
# slide2

This one does!


  • reveal-md always starts a local server and opens the default browser
  • From any presentation, navigate to the root (e.g. http://localhost:1948) to get directory listing of (linked) Markdown files. Root folder is resolved from Markdown file (or directory) reveal-md was started with.
