This PHP-Script is build to manage user-lists that're used in a http-basic-authentication process. The authentication for this script itself is done using this user-list. Therefore you have to relogin if you're changing your password. It's a usual php-script. There's no need to add an .htaccess file or some special configuration. If you're using Apache and run php as FastCGI-module you may also run into this issue: You just need to copy the file config.template.php to config.php - that's all. Now the file htusers will be used as user-list. It contains only one user called "admin" whose password is "admin". Feel free to use and modify the script. Please provide your improvements as forge of this repository. TODO: * Implement sha1 password-encryption compatible to the apache-implementation: * Create, edit and delete users as admin
PHP-Script to easily manage users used for basic-authentication. The user can himself change his own password. One user is defined as Admin and has even more rights.