The project has been initialized as a blank Node.js project using yarn
mkdir <project-name> #create project folder
cd <project-name>
yarn init - y
After that it has been configured to support Typescript:
npx tsc --init --rootDir app --outDir dist --esModuleInterop --resolveJsonModule --lib ES2019 --module commonjs --allowJs true --noImplicitAny true
mkdir app dist #our main code folder and compiling folder.
The project uses the following dev dependencies:
yarn add -D @types/express @types/node dotenv nodemon ts-node typescript
The project uses the following dependencies:
yarn add @graphql-tools/schema express express-graphql graphql
To run the project use:
yarn dev
This project automatically resolve and import all the resolvers that matches the following requirements:
- All the files must placed into
folder. - Resolver types accepted are
. - The path of the resolvers must be like
- The resolver can be placed into a folder named
- The resolver can be named with the prefix
- The resolver can be placed into a folder named
- The resolver function must be exported using
module.exports = <resolver_name>
This project automatically resolve and import all the types definitions that matches the following requirements:
- All the files must placed into
folder. - Definition files must have the