
Repository about feature-based techniques required in the second Computer Vision assignment

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Repository about feature-based techniques required in the second Computer Vision assignment.

Running the algorithm

The file can be executed as it follows:

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py ALGORITHM /path/to/video


  • /path/to/video is the location of the video to use in the algorithm;
  • ALGORITHM is a string used to specify which kind of algorithm should be run on the declared video. In particular, the following are available:
    • lk (Lucas-Kanade), i.e use Lucas-Kanade optical flow to track salient points;
    • bfm (Bruteforce Matcher), i.e. use a Bruteforce Matcher to track keypoints and descriptors;
    • mtm (Multiple Template Matching), i.e. match a given template multiple times across the frame;
    • k (Kalman Filter), i.e. predict the next position of some salient points in the scene.

Moreover, the following optional arguments can be specified:

  • -h, --help, show this help message and exit
  • --max-frames MAX_FRAMES, -mf MAX_FRAMES, Max number of frame to analyse in the video [default: 1000]
  • --scale SCALE, -s SCALE, Size for rescaling the video [default: 0.2]
  • --sampling-rate SAMPLING_RATE, -sr SAMPLING_RATE, Sampling rate for updating keypoints [default: 50]
  • --output VIDEO_NAME, -o VIDEO_NAME, If specified, saves the video as 'VIDEO_NAME' using the provided format [default: None]


To run Lucas-Kanade optical flow on the specified video simply type the following:

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py lk /path/to/video FEATURE_DETECTOR

where FEATURE_DETECTOR is the algorithm used for initialising Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow and extract features from the video. The following are available:

  • gftt, i.e. (Good Features to Track);
  • sift;
  • orb;


$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py lk test/Contesto_industriale1.mp4 gftt

Additional information

For further details please type:

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py lk /path/to/video FEATURE_DETECTOR --help

Brute-Force Matcher

To run the Brute-Force Matcher simply type the following:

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py bfm /path/to/video DESCRIPTOR_EXTRACTOR

where DESCRIPTOR_EXTRACTOR is the algorithm used for extracting the keypoints and the descriptors from the video. The following are available:

  • sift;
  • orb;


$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py bfm test/Contesto_industriale1.mp4 orb

Additional information

For further details please type:

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py bfm /path/to/video DESCRIPTOR_EXTRACTOR --help

Multiple Template Matching

To run the Multiple Template Matching simply type the following:

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py mtm /path/to/video tm_preprocess

where tm_preprocess is an additional function where default templates and/or preprocessing operations on the video can be specified, such as:

  • -t TEMPLATE, to specify the path to a template. If not set, the user is asked to select a ROI;
  • -s, to save the template in the templates folder (useful when no template is specified and you want to save the selected ROI);
  • -gb, to apply Gaussian Blur to the video.
  • ...


For example,

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py mtm test/Contesto_industriale1.mp4 tm_preprocess -t templates/2022-05-18-09-36-21-817761.jpg -gb -c 150 200

runs the Multiple Template Matching by applying Gaussian Blur and the Canny edge-detector algorithms (specifying upper and lower bounds), considering the template 2022-05-18-09-36-21-817761.jpg in the specified folder templates

Additional information

For further details please type:

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py mtm /path/to/video tm_preprocess --help

Kalman Filter

To run the Kalman Filter on the specified video simply type the following:

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py k /path/to/video OBSERVATION_DETECTOR

where OBSERVATION_DETECTOR is the algorithm used for providing to the Kalman Filter the observations required for the matrices update. The following are available:

  • gftt, i.e. (Good Features to Track);
  • sift;
  • orb;


$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py k test/Contesto_industriale1.mp4 orb

Additional information

For further details please type:

$ python alghisi_simone_229355.py k /path/to/video OBSERVATION_DETECTOR --help