Pinned Repositories
Repository for Second Assignment of Advanced and Robot Programming (ARP) course (JEMARO - Robotics Engineering)
Repository for First Assignment of Advanced and Robot Programming (ARP) course (JEMARO - Robotics Engineering)
Unity Plugin for using research mode functionality in HoloLens 2. Modified based on HoloLens2ForCV.
First assignment for the SOFAR course. The project consists in a 2D simulation of a crane, performing pick and place operations. Implementation is done in ROS2/Python with the help of the Arcade library.
Final exam for the SOFAR 2023 course - July Session. The goal is to control a drone robot in order to perform pick and place operations. Implementation is done via ROS2/Python with the help of the Arcade library.
Final exam for the SOFAR 2023 course - JEMARO Session. The goal is to implement a simple navigation simulation for a mobile robot in a known environment, exploiting A* algorithm. Implementation is done via ROS2/Python with the help of the Arcade library.
Open-source Unreal Engine 4.27 based project implementing a Mixed Reality layer for enhancing communication in human-robot teams, applicale in a wide variety of interactive tasks
Example ROS package showcasing ROS-Kafka integration in a simple scenario involving a Panda robot and a UR5 robot playing soccer. The package has been developed for the workshop held at the 5th Italian Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Machines (I-RIM) on October, 21st 2023 in Rome.
SimoneMacci0's Repositories
Repository for Second Assignment of Advanced and Robot Programming (ARP) course (JEMARO - Robotics Engineering)
Repository for First Assignment of Advanced and Robot Programming (ARP) course (JEMARO - Robotics Engineering)
Unity Plugin for using research mode functionality in HoloLens 2. Modified based on HoloLens2ForCV.
First assignment for the SOFAR course. The project consists in a 2D simulation of a crane, performing pick and place operations. Implementation is done in ROS2/Python with the help of the Arcade library.
Final exam for the SOFAR 2023 course - July Session. The goal is to control a drone robot in order to perform pick and place operations. Implementation is done via ROS2/Python with the help of the Arcade library.
Final exam for the SOFAR 2023 course - JEMARO Session. The goal is to implement a simple navigation simulation for a mobile robot in a known environment, exploiting A* algorithm. Implementation is done via ROS2/Python with the help of the Arcade library.
Mixed Reality-based Unity project and ROS package for Tiago Experiment in warehouse collaborative scenario.
Angular app project displaying orders from spring boot backend
Simple Spring Application to be integrated in OpenShift
Final exam for the SOFAR 2023 course - September Session. The goal is to control a cannon robot whose task is to autonomously aim and shoot three static targets. Implementation is done via ROS2/Python with the help of the Arcade library.
Final exam for the SOFAR 2023 course - June Session #2. The goal is to control a simple manipulator robot in order to perform pick and place operations. Implementation is done via ROS2/Python with the help of the Arcade library
Second assignment of the SOFAR course. It builds on top of the first assignment to implement a simple 2D simulator of a robotic printer, capable of drawing geometric shapes. Implementation is done through ROS2/Python, with the help of the Arcade library.
Sample ROS2 Python package demonstrating a simple Arcade simulation environment controlled via ROS2
Simple ROS2/Python package implementing a position controller for the turtlesim simulator
ROS2 package containing Webots UR5 simulation for Software Architecture for Robotics (SOFAR) course (JEMARO - Robotics Engineering)
Websocket based communication with ROS