Script Transfer OPCUA

OPCUA Client-Server system for script loading and execution on a Raspberry Pi server, using the OPCUA stack written in NodeJS and the File Transfer module


The OPCUA server defines an address space with the Scripts folder in which the files to be executed will be put after loading from client. The Scripts folder will be able to add/remove script files and execute them on the Raspberry device. First of all, the server is written in Typescript and it runs with the command ts-node, so make sure you have both installed

npm install typescript
npm install ts-node

Then, navigate on the Server folder and install all the required Node packages

npm install

Finally, start the server, by executing the following command in the Server folder

npm start


Through The OPCUA Client you can:

  1. Navigate across all the objects defined in the server Address Space
  2. Execute all methods defined in the objects: in particular we divided the methods into standard methods that belong to FileObjects(Read and Write) and custom methods that we have implemented such as AddFile, ExecuteScripts ecc. For each method, you can provide dynamically the input arguments and get the relative response from the server. For the Read and Write Method the file-transfer functionalities are used to open the file, execute the action and then close the file. In the write method you have to indicate a path to a file in order to copy its content into the FileObject in the OPCUA Server.

The GUI is implemented by using the inquirer module implemented in nodejs

To run the Client you have just to install the dependecies and start the nodejs project:

npm install
npm start