
A Discord Ticket Bot with Select Menu using Pycord

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Typing SVG

Join Discord Server

This is a Simple Ticket Bot with a Select Menu and its easy to Customize

  • Previews

    Imgur Website

  • Update v.1.8

    • Fixed Bugs
    • Added Created/Closed Timestamp into the Logs
  • Install all Required Modules

          pip install py-cord==2.4.0
          pip install asyncio
          pip install pytz
          pip install datetime
          pip install chat-exporter
          or you can use pip install -r requirements.txt
  • How to set up config.json

      "token": "",                 <- Your Bot Token from https://discord.dev
      "guild_id": 123,             <- Your Server ID aka Guild ID  
      "ticket_channel_id": 123,    <- Ticket Channel where the Bot should send the SelectMenu + Embed
      "category_id_1": 123,        <- Category 1 where the Bot should open the Ticket for the Ticket option 1
      "category_id_2": 123,        <- Category 2 where the Bot should open the Ticket for the Ticket option 2
      "team_role_id_1": 123,       <- Staff Team role id
      "team_role_id_2": 123,       <- Staff Team role id
      "log_channel_id": 123,       <- Where the Bot should log everything 
      "timezone": "CET"            <- Timezone use https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones#List and use the Category 'Time zone abbreviation' for example: Europe = CET, America = EST so you put in EST or EST ...
      "embed_title": "Support-Tickets",
      "embed_description": "Here you can open a Support Ticket!"
  • All Commands

    • /ticket
    • /delete
    • /add
    • /remove
  • How to use Custom emojis from your Discors Server in the Select Menu

    • Type in the Chat \ but do not send it, now Choose one Emoji that is one your server and press on it. Now it should look like that \<:emoji_name:emoji_id> now just remove the \ and paste the rest in your Code and here you go.
  • Discord

Apache License 2.0