
Getting the value for the interface and mac addr to a variable and then pass the value to the command directly secure code handling user input if the user put ; or && to execute another command it will stop by removing the shell=True single string commmand rather we remove the shell=True and exec the computer and get command in a list variable one by one which will avoid this user-input manipulation

we can give value in as a argument in a command line using sys modules or with an option with help and switch we use optparse module python --interface wlan0 --mac 11:aa:dd:ff:gg:hh python --help to print help

init the parser object

adding the options like -i or --interface switches, dest this where the passed values get saved and help display the help msg python --help

the funtion returns a value to this 2 varible options and arguments

options is nobut the wlan0 and aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

arguments is nothingbut --interface and --mac or -i and -m

options contains the value to get the value we call options.interface and options.new_mac