
Plugin for Leed that stores and displays your feeds' favicons

Primary LanguagePHP



This Leed's plugin store and display your feeds' favicons.


Where the favicons are stored?

Favicons stored inside the favicons folder.

How can I add favicons to my Leed's theme?

Inside the side bar

/!\ menu_pre_feed_link hook needed. {if="isset($value->favicon)"}{$value->favicon}{/if}

Inside the main view

/!\ event_pre_title hook needed. {if="isset($value2['favicon'])"}{$value2['favicon']}{/if}

Where can I find the the logs?

  • Log files are located inside the 'logs' folder
  • The check file contains the last date we search for favicons
  • The no-favicon file contains feeds URLs without favicon


  • Handle new favicons (with a monthly cron?)
  • Fetch favicons with an AJAX call on install (with a hook?)
  • Add a field to configure checking recurrence for new (updated?) favicons (currently 1 month)