Named so because of the original voice actress of Bulma in Dragonball, Hiromi Tsuru
React components for Bulma.
It's still in the early stages of development and is subject to breaking changes.
To run the docs:
npm run docs
To build the production files:
npm run build
Every component has a bunch of helper properties attached to them. Note that some of these properties may not effect the style. We made this a default for all components as it allows for less duplication as well as the ability to cover all helpers for all components. Also, Bulma does not give a detailed list of which element has what modifiers. For the full list of modifier classes, go here.
- Button
- Checkbox
- Content
- Control
- Icon
- Input
- Label
- Link (Anchor element, similar to Button in style)
- Radio
- Textarea
- Select
- Box
- Notification
- Progress
- Tag
- Titles
- Image
- Card
- Level
- Media
- Menu
- Message
- Nav
- Pagination
- Panel
- Tabs
- Container
- Hero
- Section
- Footer
- Grid
- Tiles
- Shared helpers - In progress
- Modal
- Modal Card
Bulma has an IE11 bug: modal-card elements will not scroll correctly. We have included a small fix here but it requires the following CSS:
.modal-card-shell {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
max-height: calc(100vh - 40px);
justify-content: center;