Library supporting serial EEPROM 24AAXX via I2C

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C-language library for serial EEPROM on STM32. Supports Microchip's 24AAXX serial EEPROM memory with memory block organization. The library supports only DMA mode.

Access times

The time for writing 1024 words is only 4.038 seconds. enter image description here

The time for reading is only 22.94 ms, it's really fast ( ಠ ͜ʖಠ) enter image description here

Pins output

| Pin Nb      | PINs           | FUNCTIONs      | LABELs               |
| 2           | PC13-ANTI_TAMP | GPIO_EXTI13    | B1 [Blue PushButton] |
| 16          | PA2            | USART2_TX      | USART_TX             |
| 17          | PA3            | USART2_RX      | USART_RX             |
| 21          | PA5            | GPIO_Output    | LD2 [Green Led]      |
| 61          | PB8            | I2C1_SCL       |                      |
| 62          | PB9            | I2C1_SDA       |                      |
| PERIPHERALS | MODES          | FUNCTIONS      | PINS                 |
| I2C1        | I2C            | I2C1_SCL       | PB8                  |
| I2C1        | I2C            | I2C1_SDA       | PB9                  |
| SYS         | SysTick        | SYS_VS_Systick | VP_SYS_VS_Systick    |
| USART2      | Asynchronous   | USART2_RX      | PA3                  |
| USART2      | Asynchronous   | USART2_TX      | PA2                  |

DMA configuration

| DMA request | Stream       | Direction            | Priority  |
| I2C1_RX     | DMA1_Stream0 | Peripheral to memory | Very High |
| I2C1_TX     | DMA1_Stream1 | Memory To Peripheral | Very High |

Addresses for EEPROM 24AA08 memory in organization 4x256kx8bit

Operation Control Code Block Select Block Select as a binary Read/Write Result in binary form Result in hexadecimal form
Write 1010 0 000 0 10100000 A0
Read 1010 0 000 1 10100001 A1
Write 1010 1 001 0 10100010 A2
Read 1010 1 001 1 10100011 A3
Write 1010 2 010 0 10100100 A4
Read 1010 2 010 1 10100101 A5
Write 1010 3 011 0 10100110 A6
Read 1010 3 011 1 10100111 A7

Example of use

char memory_dump[1024] = {0}; //8kbit
char example_1 = *"T";
char example_2[] ="9A8B7C6D5E4F3G2H1I0J...............................................................................0...................................................................................................1...................................................................................................2...................................................................................................3...................................................................................................4...................................................................................................5...................................................................................................6...................................................................................................7...................................................................................................8...................................................................................................9.....................END";
EEprom_HandleTypeDef EEprom_;

uint16_t write_address[] = { 0xA0, 0xA2, 0xA4, 0xA6 };

uint16_t read_address[] = { 0xA1, 0xA3, 0xA5, 0xA7 };

EEprom_ = eeprom_init(&hi2c1, write_address, read_address,I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, 256);

eeprom_write(&EEprom_, 0, 0x00, (uint8_t*) &example_1,sizeof(example_1));

eeprom_write_pages(&EEprom_, (uint8_t*) &example_2,sizeof(example_2));

eeprom_read(&EEprom_, 0, 0x00, (uint8_t*) &memory_dump,sizeof(memory_dump));
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t*) &memory_dump, sizeof(memory_dump),0xffffff);

List of available functions

EEprom_HandleTypeDef eeprom_init(I2C_HandleTypeDef* i2c_handel,uint16_t write_address[], uint16_t read_address[], uint16_t i2c_memSize,uint16_t block_size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef eeprom_write_pages(EEprom_HandleTypeDef *eeprom,uint8_t pData[], uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef eeprom_write(EEprom_HandleTypeDef *eeprom,uint16_t block_select, uint16_t mem_address, uint8_t *pData,uint16_t Size);
HAL_StatusTypeDef eeprom_read(EEprom_HandleTypeDef *eeprom,uint16_t block_select, uint16_t mem_address, uint8_t *pData,uint16_t Size);