A simple modern flashlight with SOS, stroboscope & bright display, has no ads.
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Add screenshots to F-Droid
#222 opened by Korb - 0
Strobe stops strobing after a while (power saver?)
#221 opened by mdavis-xyz - 0
- 1
Neither the app nor the widget take account of flashlight on/off if you use the shortcut menu
#217 opened by ElsAr4e - 1
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Add a timer to shut down the app after some time
#105 opened by tibbi - 2
Flash light turns off if you use the camera app but the button remains in pressed state
#165 opened by ElsAr4e - 2
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Requesting adding a toggle for enabling immersive mode in BrightDisplayActivity
#199 opened by ArchieMeng - 1
Screen brightness adjustement
#195 opened by andiandi13 - 0
Feature Request: show strobe frequency
#194 opened by w-markus - 2
SOS stops when the device falls asleep
#118 opened by tibbi - 5
Brightness level by PWM
#191 opened by AchimStuy - 1
Lamp mode: all ON (both sides)
#187 opened by serrq - 1
Strobe unit scale to know what light level I am using
#185 opened by serrq - 4
Half screen white (up), half screen black (down)
#186 opened by serrq - 1
request: reduce screen brightness
#184 opened by amunizp - 1
Improve B&W theme
#45 opened by tibbi - 3
SOS flash needs a noticable pause between S, O and S
#168 opened by aberkl - 4
request: add an exit button at the buttom
#181 opened by finscn - 0
request: turn off when app go to background
#180 opened by finscn - 2
Please add bright display quick settings tile
#123 opened by leaumar - 4
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Turn light on/off by shaking the phone
#80 opened by WPFilmmaker - 1
Copycat/clone app on Google Play
#132 opened by Poussinou - 3
Flashlight Brightness intensity
#131 opened by aha999 - 4
Can't install 5.4.1 on Samsung Note 4
#130 opened by theoasispc - 6
Led is noticeably dimmer than stock app
#82 opened by Mhowser - 0
Add a Bright Display widget
#69 opened by tibbi - 4
Add a shortcut for the bright display
#109 opened by tibbi - 1
Need java code
#108 opened by VikasGutte - 1
Replace the non-intuitive icons in the app
#73 opened by alpenblauwtje - 0
Hide Status Bar on Screen Flashlight
#107 opened by efraletti - 1
Quick Setting Tile Has Vanished
#88 opened by puppykickr - 1
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Add an option for flashing SOS code
#35 opened by alpenblauwtje - 1
Some dependencies can be updated
#83 opened by TacoTheDank - 1
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[Feature request] Viewfinder
#76 opened by breversa - 1
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app asking for additional permissions
#72 opened by bidaian - 0
Positive Result by Hybrid Analysis
#63 opened by antuketot76 - 1
New logo design for Simple Flashlight
#62 opened by sametceylan - 1
remote control via builtin server
#60 opened by eadmaster - 0
Support for other screen colors than white
#36 opened by alpenblauwtje - 0
HomePage Doesn't Respond To Landscape Rotation.
#55 opened by organik1 - 0
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