A simple example to show how to use Spring Boot with Apache Kafka
Spring Boot with Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka
Is a Distributed publisher-subscriber messaging system, which can handle high volume of data
It has high reliability, and be scaled easily
It is fault tolerance because the messages are persisted in the disk before sending to consumer to prevent data loss
It has high throughput, and it can perform 2 million writes per sec
Install Apache Kafka and Start Zookeeper and Kafka Server(https://kafka.apache.org/quickstart)
Use Cases
Log Aggregator - Collect logs from different services - as a log streaming event (Zipkin stream server makes use of this)
Streaming of real time data (like Uber, etc.)
Can be used in Event sourcing in Microservices. Multiple Microservices will be writing to kafka streams. And these streams will be responsible to write to database