- Python 3.x installed
- virtualenv installed (associated with you py3 installation)
- pip installed (associated with you py3 installation)
[EN] After cloning the project, to rename the project it is necessary to change all the places tha contains the actual project name. For that, usually the IDEs provide ways to perform the refactor.
For PyCharm users follow the steps indicated on the documentation. HINT: For experience, apparently, it is better to rename the project name and then the directory name.
Finally, to rename the auto-documentation, it is necessary to modify the file docs>source>index.rst. In the line 6 change python-boilerplate for the new-project-name.
$ make init
Initialize application creating respective virtualenv and installing all dependencies form requirement txt.
$ make update-deps
Update dependencies in requirements.txt file to future installs.
$ make test
Run all application tests
$ make documentation
Generate updated documentation and open it on MAC
$ make coverage
Run tests and generate coverage report
This boilerplate comes with python-dotenv as a dependency, env variables are declared and loaded from settings.py
file, if you want to add new env vars just create a .env file on on the project root directory.