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This script is really just plug n play, unless you want to use the Renewed Phone, then you need to follow the instructions below. If you want pictures on the garages, you need to take pictures rename them as they are called in the config and put them into the html/img folder.
if you're using the default qb-phone you dont need to do anything, just plug n play. if you're using Renewed Phone, you need to navigate to server/garage.lua and replace the current Callback "qb-phone:server:GetGarageVehicles" with this:
QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback('qb-phone:server:GetGarageVehicles', function(source, cb)
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
local Vehicles = {}
local vehdata
local result = exports.oxmysql:executeSync('SELECT * FROM player_vehicles WHERE citizenid = ?', {Player.PlayerData.citizenid})
local garages = exports['ss-garage']:GetGarages()
if result[1] then
for _, v in pairs(result) do
local VehicleData = QBCore.Shared.Vehicles[v.vehicle]
local VehicleGarage = "None"
local enginePercent = round(v.engine / 10, 0)
local bodyPercent = round(v.body / 10, 0)
if v.garage then
if garages[v.garage] then
VehicleGarage = garages[v.garage]["label"]
VehicleGarage = v.garage
local VehicleState = "In"
if v.state == 0 then
VehicleState = "Out"
elseif v.state == 2 then
VehicleState = "Impounded"
if VehicleData["brand"] then
vehdata = {
fullname = VehicleData["brand"] .. " " .. VehicleData["name"],
brand = VehicleData["brand"],
model = VehicleData["name"],
plate = v.plate,
garage = VehicleGarage,
state = VehicleState,
fuel = v.fuel,
engine = enginePercent,
body = bodyPercent,
paymentsleft = v.paymentsleft
vehdata = {
fullname = VehicleData["name"],
brand = VehicleData["name"],
model = VehicleData["name"],
plate = v.plate,
garage = VehicleGarage,
state = VehicleState,
fuel = v.fuel,
engine = enginePercent,
body = bodyPercent,
paymentsleft = v.paymentsleft
Vehicles[#Vehicles+1] = vehdata