
This whitelisting bot is made for ROBLOX Tech Groups to use in their Discord Servers. It will help deliver products through web requests and store data of users. Please note that while this works, it may not be so appealing to the eye as the Zing Tech one is, but it works nevertheless and has more features.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Title Image

Hub Whitelist Bot (jdwoj5)



To install this Discord Bot, you will need to do the following:

  1. Obtain a VPS, or a computer to host this locally. (This is probably going to be the most difficult step of the entire installation process.)
    • Please note that Heroku will not work, as we are writing files that should be persistant, and Heroku rebuilds around every 24 hours. using Heroku would require you to rework the database system entirely to function with Heroku instead of using .json files. (Edit: This re-work exists under the new firebase branch! Take a look if you are up to it.)
    • Glitch will not work unless you boost your project. As pinging services have been banned, uptime of the bot is crucial.
    • You will need to put the IP of the place you are running the bot in your products and your hub, so we recommend a few ways to secure this information:
      • Use DDoS protection, a VPN, or a proxy of sorts.
      • Host on a VPS to prevent your personal IP from getting leaked.
      • Obfuscate all scripts that contain your IP with Luraph's LPH_ENCSTR() system, or a non-constant dumpable obfuscator similar to PSU.
      • Use a domain name. (I have no experience with Domains, so do not trust this security precaution or go out of your way to get this.)
    • If you are using your local computer on a home WiFi network, you need to figure out how to Port Forward the port you plan to use for this system.
  2. Ensure it has the Node.js engine installed.
  3. Clone this repository with git clone https://github.com/jdwoj5/hub-linkbot
  4. Create a Discord Application with a Bot created in the Bot Section. Make sure you enable the Server Members Intent!
  5. Create a file named .env in the main folder/directory to store crucial information.
    • Paste the following into your .env file:
    # KEYS
    • Input your .env information as shown below:
      • BOT_EMBEDCOLOR Set this to the color (in decimal value) you wish your embeds to have. (Recommended: 2303786)
      • BOT_TOKEN Set this to your bot token as found in the Bot section of your Discord Application.
      • BOT_PREFIX Set this to your preferred bot prefix. (Recommended: !)
      • BOT_PRIMARYGUILD Set this to the ID of the Server you would like to use the bot in.
      • BOT_VERIFIEDROLEID Set this to the ID of the Role you would like to give users if they are verified.
      • BOT_LOGCHANNELID Set this to the ID of the Channel you would like to log possible leaks to your endpoints and products. (Will output to console if left blank.)
      • HUB_ACCESSPORT Set this to a random four digit integer. This will be used later when scripting your Hub to work with this bot. (If you are using a VPS that predefines the PORT variable with process.env.PORT, you may leave this blank.)
      • HUB_CHANGENICKNAME Set this to true if you want the bot to change the nickname on account link, and false if you do not.
      • HUB_APIKEY Set this to a random alphanumeric string. This will be used for system security. Even if your IP and Port are leaked, you need to have this changable API key in order to back you up in order to prevent unfixable security issues.
      • UUID_NAMESPACE Set this to the UUID generated here. This will be used to encrypt your user's database index UUIDs and make them truly randomized.

Running the Bot

To initialize the bot, run the following commands in the cloned directory to set up the bot:

  1. npm update
  2. npm install

To start the bot, run the following command:

  • node server.js

The bot should never need to come offline, as the !restart command restarts the whole process and updates the bot's code on it's own. Most errors will also be caught with this command, prompting you to update the code and restart the bot yourself. All commands are locked with a permission-based system. This means that roles are not used for command permissinons, and commands are given to people with specific discord-type permissions instead. To see the permissions used for each command, go into the command file and view the property userPermissions: [], as that is where the permissions are defined.

Pre-Installed Commands

Already added are many commands that can be used to manage the whitelist system and product creation. Here is a list of them:

  • !create Creates a product.
  • !delete Deletes a product with its file.
  • !forceunlink Forcefully unlinks a selected Discord Account to your Registered User.
  • !help Displays all the bot's commands and information.
  • !link Links your Discord Account to your Registered User with a code generated from the Hub.
  • !ping Displays the information about the bot's latency.
  • !products Displays all products.
  • !profile Displays all information stored about a user.
  • !restart Restarts the bot, updating all the code with it.
  • !retrieve Fetches a product file.
  • !revoke Revokes a user access to a product.
  • !transfer Transfers product access from one user to another.
  • !updatefile Updates a product file and sends out a mass DM with the new file.
  • !whitelist Gives a user access to a product.

Connecting to your Hub

There are many ways to trigger functions in the Discord Bot from HTTP requests, but the most important thing to do is to write down the IP at which you are running this Discord Bot and write down the HUB_ACCESSPORT that you put in the .env file before coding with this hub. This information will be referenced multiple times from the scripts in your ROBLOX Product Hub.

Playing with Endpoints (Self-Writing)

This section is not recommended unless you know exactly what you are doing and how to go about doing things. Listed below are the endpoints necessary to use this Bot:

  • GET / This endpoint is used to view the main status of the page. (Template: {"status":"ok","running":true})
  • GET /products/ This endpoint is used to view all product information. (Template: {"status":"ok","products":{"productId1":{"name":"productName","path":"productFilePath"}}}, this endpoint requires an API key.)
  • GET /products/give/[Product ID]/[ROBLOX User ID]/ This endpoint is used to give a user a product. This will not only edit the whitelist, but send them the product file in DMs. (Template: {"status":"ok","success":true,"dm":true}, this endpoint requires an API key.)
  • GET /products/revoke/[Product ID]/[ROBLOX User ID]/ This endpoint is used to revoke the whitelist of a product for a user. This will not send the user a DM. (Template: {"status":"ok","success":true}, this endpoint requires an API key.)
  • GET /users/[ROBLOX User ID]/ This endpoint is used to view all information collected about a user. Please note that the field labelled "index" is the user's UUID, which you can search for a profile with if needed in Discord. (Template: {"status":"ok","index":"userUUID","value":{"robloxId":"userROBLOXID","robloxUsername":"userROBLOXUsername","verify":{"status":"complete/link","value":"discordID/linkcode"},"products":["insert","array","of","product","ids"]}}, this endpoint requires an API key.)

Please note that all endpoints that require an API key shall have ?key=[API KEY] added to the end of the URL. When encountering errors, the website will return something such as: {"status":"error", "error":"errorMessage} Most of the error messages are User not found, Product not found, and stuff like that. Feel free to take a look at the handler.js file to take a look at every error if you are looking into handling it through your Hub. (Line: 195)

ROBLOX Web API ModuleScript (Pre-Written)

Written below is a ModuleScript that you may use to make coding your hub easier. Setting it up should be easy, but please ensure that this script is inside ServerScriptService, as it contains confidential information. It is not recommended to edit the script in any other place than the URL variable and the Key variable.

	Please do not edit below! This script should be obfuscated to increase security.

local URL = ""; -- IP:PORT or Defined URL
local Key = ""; -- API Key defined in your .env file

--[[				// Functions \\
	 GetStatus() returns true/false (Is it running?)
	 GetUserProducts([User ID]) returns Array[Products]
	 GetVerifyStatus([User ID]) returns 'link'/'complete'
	 GetLinkCode([User ID]) returns Link Code (Returns false if verified)
	 WaitForVerify([User ID]) returns void (Returns when user is verified)
	 GetAllProducts() returns Array[Products]
	 WhitelistUser([Product ID], [User ID]) returns true/false (Did the delivery DM succeed?)
	 RevokeUser([Product ID], [User ID]) returns void

local Success,Error = pcall(function()
	if game.Players.LocalPlayer ~= nil then
		game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("HUB | You must not have this Module stored locally!");
if not script:IsDescendantOf(game.ServerScriptService) then
	error("HUB | You must have this Module this in ServerScriptService!");
function GetURL(Endpoint)
	return 'http://'..URL..Endpoint.."?key="..Key;
local HttpService = {
	GetAsync = function(ResURL)
		local Request = game:GetService('HttpService'):RequestAsync({
			Url = ResURL;
			Method = "GET";
		if not Request.Success then
			return nil;
			return Request.StatusCode, game:GetService('HttpService'):JSONDecode(Request.Body);
local Module = {};
Module.GetStatus = function(ID)
	local RetVal = false;
	local s = pcall(function()
		local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/'));
		if not Data then
			RetVal = false;
		if Data.running == true then
			RetVal = true;
	return RetVal
Module.GetUserProducts = function(ID)
	local RetVal = nil;
	local s = pcall(function()
		local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/user/'..ID));
		RetVal = Data.value.products;
	return RetVal
Module.GetVerifyStatus = function(ID)
	local RetVal = nil;
	local s = pcall(function()
		local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/user/'..ID));
		RetVal = Data.value.verify.status;
	return RetVal
Module.GetLinkCode = function(ID)
	local RetVal = nil;
	local s = pcall(function()
		local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/user/'..ID));
		if Data.value.verify.status == 'link' then
			RetVal = Data.value.verify.value;
			RetVal = false;
	return RetVal
Module.WaitForVerify = function(ID)
	local s = pcall(function()
		while true do
			local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/user/'..ID));
			if Data.value.verify.status == 'complete' then
Module.GetAllProducts = function(ID)
	local RetVal = nil;
	local s = pcall(function()
		local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/products'));
		RetVal = Data.products;
	return RetVal
Module.WhitelistUser = function(Product, ID)
	local RetVal = nil;
	local s = pcall(function()
		local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/products/give/'..Product..'/'..ID));
		RetVal = Data.dm;
	return RetVal
Module.RevokeUser = function(Product, ID)
	local RetVal = nil;
	local s = pcall(function()
		local Status, Data = HttpService.GetAsync(GetURL('/products/revoke/'..Product..'/'..ID));
	return RetVal
return Module;
Checking the Whitelist

Written below is a Whitelist Checker that you may use to check whitelists. Setting it up should be easy, but please ensure that this script is directly inside the main folder, as it will destroy the parent of the script when loading. It is recommended that all server-side code is stored in this whitelist script and this whitelist script is obfuscated, so that no one can remove this script and have it still run entirely.

    Please do not edit below! This script should be obfuscated to increase security.

local ProductId = ""
local URL = "" -- "IP:Port"

local UnloadProduct = function()
	-- Insert code here to unload the product.
	warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Unloaded!")
local LoadProduct = function()
	-- Insert code here to load the product.
	warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Loaded!")

local Http = game:GetService("HttpService")
warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Loading...")
local HTTPInfoEncoded = ""
local HttpEnabled, HttpError = pcall(function()
	HTTPInfoEncoded = Http:GetAsync("http://"..URL.."/game/"..ProductId.."/?job=a"..game.JobId)
if HttpEnabled == false and HttpError == "Http requests are not enabled. Enable via game settings" then
	warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Please enable HTTP Services.")
elseif HttpEnabled == false then
	warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] There was an issue connecting to the server. ("..HttpError..")")
local HTTPInfo = Http:JSONDecode(HTTPInfoEncoded)
if HTTPInfo.status == "error" then
	warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] "..HTTPInfo.error)
	local s, e = pcall(UnloadProduct)
	if not s then
		warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Error while unloading: "..e)
elseif HTTPInfo.owned == false then
	warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] User does not own product.")
	local s, e = pcall(UnloadProduct)
	if not s then
		warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Error while unloading: "..e)
elseif game:GetService('RunService'):IsStudio() then
	warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Products do not work in Studio.")
	local s, e = pcall(UnloadProduct)
	if not s then
		warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Error while unloading: "..e)
local s, e = pcall(LoadProduct)
if not s then
	warn("["..string.upper(ProductId).."] Error while loading: "..e)
-- For security measures, it is suggested that you add script:Destroy() here.


Here are the Credits to how this was made. If you use this is some way for any reason, I would appreciate credit for this bot, so please do not remove the footer in the help command. Also, please do not resell this bot. It took me a while to make, and reselling it is just offensive and wrong.

  • discord.js's Documentation Pages | Helped me with how the discord.js module works, and I always use these Documentation pages when writing code.
  • Zing Tech Whitelisting Bot | Helped me learn how to use the express module almost entirely, also greatly inspired me to make an open source bot for myself with file management.
  • Pivot Tech's Discord | Helped me test this system with a big tech group. (Please go check them out, it is a great example of how this bot can be, and is supposed to be used!)
  • Pivot Tech's Hub | Helped me test this system on the ROBLOX-Side.


Below are a set of Discord Servers that use this bot. You may join then to take a look at how they use it.