Prize button/box auto-clicker. (Initially made for Twitch's prize box)
For the moment, it's stuck with one RGB colour set. It's a testing script until 07/12/2020.
It's required some dependencies for run: Pynput - PyAutoGUI - PyScreeze - keyboard - mouse.
For it, run:
pip install pynput PyAutoGUI PyScreeze keyboard mouse
(Use pip3 if you have support for Python 3.x)
At the moment, just run the script and let it click by itself:
(Use python3 if you have support for Python 3.x)
This script, also, need to be runned as root!
Feel free to modify my script / share it.
If you want to learn more, you can see the documentation for Pyntput, PyAutoGUI, PyScreeze, keyboard, or mouse.