Make commands, simply.
A simple library for easily making complicated commands for those who ❤️ Kotlin. Inspiration from brigadier.
- looks 🔥
- Commands are automatically called asyncronously (with Kotlin coroutines and suspend functions)
- async arg processing and command execution. Nice for web requests and database access
- Property delegation to process args is ❄️
val group: Group by args val permission: String by args val section: String by args
- the only (clean) solution I could find for making the command below.
// A custom argument. Note uses suspending functions which are nice if you have to do database requests.
class ArgumentGroup(private val database: SPDatabase) : ArgumentType<Group> {
override val name = "group"
override suspend fun process(string: String): Group? {
return database.groupByName(string)
override suspend fun autoComplete(): List<String> {
return database.groups
.map { }
cmd("simplepermissions", "sp") { // The base command
description = "manage permissions" // The description
// The base permission. We implement "or/and" infix functions to combine perms
permission = has("simplepermissions.use") or isOp
subCmd("listgroups", "lg") { // command: "sp lg"
execute { sender, _, _ -> // executed for "sp lg"
delay(10_000) // execute supports suspending functions (we are waiting 10k ms for no reason)
val groups = database.groups.limit(10).toList().joinToString { }
sender.sendMessage("groups: $groups")
subCmd("group", "g") { // command: "sp g"
description = "manage groups"
arg("group") { // an argument not a sub command... referenced later with "val group: Group by args"
description = "the group you want to add"
ifType(ArgumentGroup(database)) { // This gets called if the argument is an existing group
description = "an existing group"
subCmd("perms", "p") { // command: "sp g {existing group} p"
execute { sender, _, args ->
val group: Group by args
// send permission message
subCmd("section", "s") {
argWithType("section", ArgumentString) { // a shortcut for if the argument only has one type
subCmd("addperm", "ap") {
argWithType("permission", ArgumentString) {
execute { sender, _, args ->
val group: Group by args
val permission: String by args
val section: String by args
val permissionSection = group.getSection(section)
permissionSection.permissions[permission] = true
subCmd("negateperm", "np") {
arg("permission") {
ifType(ArgumentString) {
execute { sender, _, args ->
val group: Group by args
val permission: String by args
val section: String by args
val permissionSection = group.getSection(section)
subCmd("removeperm", "rp") {
arg("permission") {
ifType(ArgumentString) {
execute { sender, _, args ->
val group: Group by args
val permission: String by args
val section: String by args
ifType(ArgumentString) { // This gets called if the argument is NOT existing group (creating a group which did not exist)
description = "a non-existing group"
subCmd("create", "c") {
arg("priority") {
ifType(ArgumentInt) {
execute { sender, _, args ->
val group: String by args
val priority: Int by args
if (database.groupByName(group) != null) {
"group" to group
database.saveGroup(Group(group, priority))
"group" to group
subCmd("player", "p") {
description = "manage players"
argWithType("player", ArgumentOfflinePlayer()) {
subCmd("addgroup", "ag") {
argWithType("group", ArgumentGroup(database)) {
execute { sender, _, args ->
val group: Group by args
val player: OfflinePlayer by args
val uuid = player.uniqueId
val userByUUID = database.permissionUserByUUID(uuid) ?: PermissionUser(uuid.toString())
subCmd("removegroup", "rg") {
arg("group") {
execute { sender, _, args ->
val group: Group by args
val player: OfflinePlayer by args
val uuid = player.uniqueId
val permissionUser = database.permissionUserByUUID(uuid)
if (permissionUser == null) {
if (permissionUser.groups.remove( {
} else {
subCmd("listgroups", "lg") {
execute { sender, _, args ->
val player: OfflinePlayer by args
val permissionUser = database.permissionUserByUUID(player.uniqueId) ?: return@execute
val groupsString = permissionUser.groups
.map { database.groupByName(it.toString()) }
sender.sendMessage("Groups: $groupsString")