lp-snippetss atom package


avoid different atom snippets package's repeat snippets and unify all of their snippets style。

a lot of js snippets collections, with es6 grammer,no semicolon style, learned from other package like javascript-snippets,turbo-javascript etc(copy and inprove, so avoid their repeat snippets and unify all of their snippets style)


apm install lp-snippets




when you install mutipackages, you will find snippets style is a mess, and different snippets even has lots of conflicts in some keyword

I can't bear it, so I write this package by learning other snippets packages, avoid their repeat snippets and unify all of their snippets style

snippets list

you also can read snippets learning js

learned snippets packages

  • javascript-snippets
  • nodejs-snippets
  • turbo-javascript

A screenshot of your package