
A react library for generating a tree graph from data.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple react component which renders data as a tree using svg.


Demo tree view


npm install react-tree-graph --save


import Tree from 'react-tree-graph';

let data = {
	name: 'Parent',
	children: [{
		name: 'Child One',
		children: []
	}, {
		name: 'Child Two',
		children: []


If you are using webpack, and have css-loader, you can include some default styles with:

import 'react-tree-graph/dist/style.css'

Alternatively, both the JavaScript and CSS can be included directly from the dist folder with script tags.


Property Type Mandatory Default Description
data object yes The data to be rendered as a tree. Must be in a format accepted by d3.hierarchy.
margins object { bottom : 10, left : 20, right : 150, top : 10} The margins around the content. The right margin should be larger to include the rendered label text.
height number yes The height of the rendered tree, including margins.
width number yes The width of the rendered tree, including margins.
keyProp string "name" The property on each node to use as a key.
labelProp string "name" The property on each node to render as label text.
linkClass string "link" The class to add to each <path> element linking two nodes.
linkClickHandler function A function called when a link is clicked. The source and target keys are passed in as paramters.
nodeClass string "node" The class to add to each <g> element, representing a node.
nodeClickHandler function A function called when a node is clicked. The node key is passed as an argument.
nodeOffset number 3.5 The height offset for the label of a node. May need to be adjusted depending on radius and font size.
nodeRadius number 5 The radius of the rendered node.

Node properties can be set for individual nodes by setting them on the node with the following mapping:

Global Node
nodeClass className
nodeClickHandler onClick
nodeOffset offset
nodeRadius radius