Try it out

You can check it out on our instances running on AWS Amplify - Dev and Master - both have their own instances.

You can look at our code on Github here

If you download the repository and install the required npm modules, you can run it locally with npm run dev and going to http://localhost:3000 in your browser


The move to online learning has meant many commitments are asynchronous and it can be easy to lose track of your progress and how it compares with both your peers and the expectation from the lecturer.

When students aren't able to talk in a lecture hall or see others' work in a tutorial, a lot of the natural competition is lost. This can be a great motivator for many students to work harder. Students can feel disconnected from the course and this removes any pressure to work, as no one may notice if they start falling behind.


  • To provide an interface to track your progress through an online course

  • To show where the lecturer expects you to be at in the course

  • To show where the average student has got to

  • To allow you to mark lecturers watched, tutorials attended, reading completed and also the results from tests in a roadmap for each module

  • To gamify these features to make it enjoyable for the student

  • To give a way for students to feel more connected to the course, by updating their progress for others to see

What we've achieved

We haven't managed to create the complete interface - it's more of a design mock-up for the end product, built in Next.js and running on AWS Amplify.

You can choose mock students, see their randomly generated progress in some modules.

The green marks where the student has reached.

The under and over lined section is where the lecturer expects the student to be.

We also have a leader board, again with stub data, to show the gamification features we hope to build.

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Make it AWSome! (AWS)

We used two instances running on AWS Amplify; one for tracking progress on the dev branch, and one for hosting the polished master branch.

Improve Online Learning (DU CompSoc)

The project need largely comes from the move to online learning. Our hack improves online learning by making it more exciting, competitive and rewarding.

What we still want to do

Ideally this would be built directly into DUO to allow it to automatically sync with watched lecturers, receive formative and summative marks from assignments to allow students the simplest possible experience. We didn't make any algorithms for calculating student's progress or comparing them to their peers, so this would be the next big feature.

What we learned

  • How to set up a website using AWS Amplify, and how to link it to our GitHub repository to display the most recent updates
  • Gained experience with Next.js (including React.js)
  • How to use make the most out of source control (GitHub)