
Analysis on Hate tweets or offensive tweets

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • Detecting Hate Tweets or offensive language on Twitter using Machine learning methods like Bag or Words of TFIDF. Find out which classification algorithm suits best for the same.
  • this task was performed as a part of an academic case study on NLP.
  • performed analysis on hate tweets and offensive tweets.
  • the dataset is provided as labeled_data.csv file.

A gist of what i did...

  • imported the necessary libraries.
  • read the dataset.
  • used functions like info(), describe(), isnull() to know more about the dataset.
  • used pie plot to show the distribution of class.
  • cleaned the tweets and added a new column with the name tidy_tweets which contains these clean tweets.
  • removed punctuations, numeric and stopwords from tidy_tweets.
  • next i tokenized and stemmed these tweets in tidy_tweets.
  • next i made a function to make a word cloud of these tidy_tweets and diplayed the word cloud on screen.
  • made separate datafarmes for hate tweets, offensive tweets and tweets which are neither of the two and displayed their word clouds on screen.
  • made a function to find hashtags and then found hashtags from dataframe containing hate tweets, offensive tweets and neither of the two.
  • next, found out the word frequency of each hashtags in these dataframes.
  • displayed a plot of these hashtags using barplot.
  • extracted features from clean tweets using bag of words word embedding. Made a bag-of-words feature matrix and displayed this matrix on screen.
  • next i split the data into training and validation set and used xgboost and linear regression as classifiers to find out the f1-score of these models.
  • Next, i made a comoarison table which contains the f1-score of these two models and then plotted these scores to visualize the comparison.