
CSPI managed services integration tests

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains tests.

The infra for the tests can be found in https://github.com/RedHatQE/openshift-python-wrapper and https://github.com/RedHatQE/openshift-python-utilities flake8 plugins defined in .flake8 can be found in https://github.com/RedHatQE/flake8-plugins

Setup VirtualEnv

Use poetry to manage virtualenv.

pip install poetry

After installation, run:

poetry install

To get current env info

poetry env info

To get poetry virtualenv names

poetry env list

To remove current env

poetry env remove <env name>

To clear poetry cache (needed before update if there is an existing update but the package is not updated)

poetry cache list # get poetry available cache list
poetry cache clear --all <cache name> # delete all cache (except _default_cache)

To update one package

poetry update openshift-python-wrapper

Getting started

Prepare a cluster

This project runs tests against an OCP cluster running on OSD / ROSA. Export the cluster's kubeconfig file as KUBECONFIG

ocm get clusters -p search="name like '"<cluster name>"%'" | jq -r  '.items | .[] | .id' | xargs -I {} ocm get /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/{}/credentials | jq -r .kubeconfig > ~/kubeconfig ; export KUBECONFIG=~/kubeconfig


Log file 'pytest-tests.log' is generated with the full pytest output in the tests root directory. For each test failure cluster logs are collected and stored under 'tests-collected-info'.

To see verbose logging of a test run, add the following parameter:

make tests PYTEST_ARGS="-o log_cli=true"

To enable data-collector pass data-collector.yaml YAML format:

    data_collector_base_directory: "<base directory for data collection>"
    collect_data_function: "<import path for data collection method>"

YAML Example:

    data_collector_base_directory: "tests-collected-info"
    collect_data_function: "ocp_wrapper_data_collector.data_collector.collect_data"
    collect_pod_logs: true
poetry run pytest .... --data-collector=data-collector.yaml

Logs will be available under tests-collected-info/ folder.

#### Cluster upgrade tests

To run the cluster upgrade test, you will need to provide the cluster name and the OCP target version.

poetry run pytest -m upgrade --ocp-target-version 4.10.35 --cluster-name <cluster name> --data-collector=<path to data collector yaml>

If running against a production cluster, add:

### Setting log level in command line

In order to run a test with a log level that is different from the default,
use the --log-cli-level command line switch.
The full list of possible log level strings can be found here:

When the switch is not used, we set the default level to INFO.


Building and pushing tests container image

Container can be generated and pushed using make targets.

make -f Makefile

How-to verify your patch

Check the code

We use checks tools that are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml file To install pre-commit:

pip install pre-commit --user
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg

pre-commit will try to fix the error. If some error where fixed git add & git commit is needed again. commit-msg use gitlint (https://jorisroovers.com/gitlint/)

To check for PEP 8 issues locally run:


Run functional tests via Jenkins job


Known Issues

pycurl may fail with error: ImportError: pycurl: libcurl link-time ssl backend (nss) is different from compile-time ssl backend (none/other)

To fix it:

export PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=nss # or openssl. depend on the error (link-time ssl backend (nss))
poetry run pip uninstall pycurl
poetry run pip install pycurl --no-cache-dir

Running with OCM client

Export OCM_TOKEN env variable locally or in test container

export OCM_TOKEN="production or stage OCM token"

Overwrite global_config execution configuration.

You can overwrite the api server defined in global_config.py by passing the following in command line: For example:

poetry run pytest ... --tc=api_server:stage