SAP HANA replication bootstrap salt formula

Salt formula for bootstrapping and managing SAP HANA platform and system replication.

The main purpose of the formula is to deploy easily the SAP HANA environment and its nodes, giving the option to set them as primary or secondary nodes using system replication.

How to use

Manual installation

In order to use this formula some steps must be executed previously:

  1. Install shaptools python library.
git clone
cd shaptools
sudo python install
  1. Copy the salt-shaptools modules and states in our salt master.
git clone
# Create /srv/salt/_modules and /srv/salt/_states if they don't exist
sudo cp salt-shaptools/salt/modules/* /srv/salt/_modules
sudo cp salt-shaptools/salt/states/* /srv/salt/_states

Install (Suse distros)

The easiest way to install the formula in SUSE distributions is using a rpm package. For that follow the next sequence to install all the dependencies (opensuse leap 15 is used in the example):

sudo zypper addrepo zypper addrepo
sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper in saphanabootstrap-formula

To use the formula in Suse Manager:

sudo zypper in saphanabootstrap-formula-suma

Find the package in: saphanabootstrap-formula


In order to use this formula, the pillar file usage is almost mandatory (there is a defaults file, but pillar usage is recommended). In the pillar file, each element after nodes entry will be a new SAP HANA instance (PRD, QAS, etc). A machine might have more than one HANA instance with different sid and instance numbers (one for production and other for testing, for example). The current pillar.example, deploys one PRD instance in hana01 machine as a primary node, and two (PRD, QAS) instances in the second, one of the as secondary.

The needed parameters for the states are described in salt-shaptools.

The example folders shows how a salt environment could be created to use the formula. Run the script to copy this structure to the salt environment (INFO: The script will overwrite any file with the same names).

cd saphanabootstap-formula/example
sudo ./


To build a new deliverable (rpm package) follow the next steps (Suse distros only):

cp -R saphanabootstrap-formula saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}
tar -zcvf saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}.tar.gz saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}
sudo cp saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}.tar.gz /usr/src/packages/SOURCES
sudo cp saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}/saphanabootstrap-formula.spec /usr/src/packages/SPECS/saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}.spec
cd /usr/src/packages/SPECS
sudo rpmbuild -ba saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}.spec

After that the package saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}-1.x86_64.rpm should be placed in /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64

To test the package:

cd /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64
sudo rpm -iv saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}-1.x86_64.rpm

Or better:

cd /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64
sudo zypper in saphanabootstrap-formula-${version}-1.x86_64.rpm