- abdesign
- AleXoundOSTbilisi, Georgia
- asyncmind0@DamageBDD
- ChristophHaag@Collabora
- cybik
- DanielMazurkiewiczŻyrardów
- dardo82dardo1982
- Dr4ik
- edwardxieChina
- elekezemlUll Group
- elypter
- flacksVirginia
- iandolInstitute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- izelnakriRuby, JavaScript, TS, elixir, rust, k8s, lua, nix, pkl, android
- jhcloos
- JustAnother1Germany
- kajux
- karthiksripal
- kotpUSA
- krakrjakLocal Theory
- kwadroke
- malsiv
- mhenselin@camao-tec
- norpol@contextflow
- Palladiumm@lacmus-foundation
- PlumpMathhome~
- PratikDhanave
- RenhaREMY Robotics
- rozgoVertexStudio
- SpaceghostUTC-8
- tpraxl
- trycatcher
- venhow
- WilliangalvaniFlorianópolis - Brasil
- WuShichaoMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
- yu1l