This folder contains the Image Transfer Protocol DEVS model implemented in Cadmium /**************************/ /****FILES ORGANIZATION****/ /**************************/ README.txt ImageTransferProtocol.doc makefile atomics [This folder contains atomic models implemented in Cadmium] NetworkDelay.hpp PacketForwarder.hpp PacketGenerator.hpp Receiver.hpp Retransmission.hpp SwitchBuffer.hpp bin [This folder will be created automatically the first time you compile the poject. It will contain all the executables] build [This folder will be created automatically the first time you compile the poject. It will contain all the build files (.o) generated during compilation] data_structures [This folder contains message data structure used in the model] packet_format.cpp packet_format.hpp input_data [This folder contains all the input data to run the model and the tests] ImageSender_input_test_ack_in.txt ImageSender_input_test_start_signal.txt ITP_input_test_start_signal.txt NetworkDelay_input_test.txt packetForwarder_input_test_packetIn.txt packetForwarder_input_test_resendIn.txt packetGenerator_input_test_nextPacket.txt packetGenerator_input_test_sizeChange.txt packetGenerator_input_test_startSignal.txt packetSender_input_test_ack_in.txt packetSender_input_test_packet_done.txt receiver_input_test.txt Retransmission_input_test_ackIn.txt Retransmission_input_test_packetIn.txt SwitchBuffer_input_test.txt simulation_results [This folder will be created automatically the first time you compile the poject. It will store the outputs from your simulations and tests] test [This folder contains the testing for the atomic and coupled models(excluding top model)] main_imageSender_test.cpp main_networkDelay_test.cpp main_packetForwarder_test.cpp main_packetGenerator_test.cpp main_packetSender_test.cpp main_receiver_test.cpp main_retransmission_test.cpp main_switchBuffer_test.cpp top_model [This folder contains the Image Transfer Protocol top model] main_ITP_top_model.cpp /*************/ /****STEPS****/ /*************/ 0 - ImageTransferProtocol.doc contains the explanation and testing of this model 1 - Update include path in the makefile in this folder and subfolders. You need to update the following lines: INCLUDECADMIUM=-I ../../cadmium/include INCLUDEDESTIMES=-I ../../DESTimes/include Update the relative path to cadmium/include from the folder where the makefile is. You need to take into account where you copied the folder during the installation process Example: INCLUDECADMIUM=-I ../../cadmium/include Do the same for the DESTimes library NOTE: if you follow the step by step installation guide you will not need to update these paths. 2 - Compile the project and the tests 1 - Open the terminal (Ubuntu terminal for Linux and Cygwin for Windows) in the ITP folder 3 - To compile the project and the tests, type in the terminal: make clean; make all 3 - ******************************************************Run the testing for atomic/coupled/top model****************************************************** Step 1: cd scripts/ You should see all the .sh file below: Make sure they are excutable. If they are not, issue chmod a+rx ./* Step 2: ./ You should see the following terminal output. It specifies what input files are used and where the output file is created. You can copy/past the file path and open the file. For example (if you are on Linux): gedit ../simulation_results/packetGenerator_test_output_messages.txt **************************************Running the test for PacketGenerator atomic model************************ Using input from file: ../input_data/packetGenerator_input_test_nextPacket.txt ../input_data/packetGenerator_input_test_sizeChange.txt ../input_data/packetGenerator_input_test_startSignal.txt **************************************Finished the testing for PacketGenerator atomic model****************8**** Check output messages in file: ../simulation_results/packetGenerator_test_output_messages.txt Step 3: Run all the rest testings with different models following step 2 Note: is the top model, are coupled models