This folder contains the STOCK PRICE SIMULATOR DEVS model implemented in Cadmium and Keras/TensorFlow /**************************/ /****FILES ORGANIZATION****/ /**************************/ README.txt SPS.docx makefile machine_learning [this folder contains the files to train a deep learning model] GOOG.svc [last 5 years data from google stock price] [] scaler.scale [scale file] trained_model.h5 [exported trained model] atomics [This folder contains atomic models implemented in Cadmium] prediction_generator.hpp accuracy_evaluator.hpp bin [This folder will be created automatically the first time you compile the project. It will contain all the executables] build [This folder will be created automatically the first time you compile the project. It will contain all the build files (.o) generated during compilation] data_structures [This folder contains message data structure used in the model] time_series.hpp time_series.cpp input_data [This folder contains all the input data to run the model and the tests] prediction_generator_input_test1.txt prediction_generator_input_test2.txt prediction_generator_input_test2.txt accuracy_evaluator_input_test1.txt accuracy_evaluator_input_test2.txt accuracy_evaluator_input_test2.txt stock_prediction_simulation_input_test.txt simulation_results [This folder will be created automatically the first time you compile the project. It will store the outputs from your simulations and tests] test [This folder the unit test of the atomic models] main_prediction_generator_test.cpp main_accuracy_evaluator_test.cpp top_model [This folder contains the Asset Price Simulator top model] main_.cpp scripts [This folder contains the scripts to execute the bin files with the different input_data files] [executes STOCK_PREDICTION_SIMULATION file (compiled in the bin folder) with the stock_prediction_simulation_input_test.txt input data file] [executes PREDICTION_GENERATOR_TEST file (compiled in the bin folder) with the prediction_generator_input_test1.txt input data file] [executes PREDICTION_GENERATOR_TEST file (compiled in the bin folder) with the prediction_generator_input_test2.txt input data file] [executes PREDICTION_GENERATOR_TEST file (compiled in the bin folder) with the prediction_generator_input_test3.txt input data file] [executes ACCURACY_EVALUATOR_TEST file (compiled in the bin folder) with the accuracy_evaluator_input_test1.txt input data file] [executes ACCURACY_EVALUATOR_TEST file (compiled in the bin folder) with the accuracy_evaluator_input_test2.txt input data file] [executes ACCURACY_EVALUATOR_TEST file (compiled in the bin folder) with the accuracy_evaluator_input_test3.txt input data file] scaler.scale [scale file required by tensorFlow] [contains the function that calls the trained model] trained_model.h5 [deep learning trained model] /*************/ /****STEPS****/ /*************/ 0 - SPS.docx contains the explanation of this model 1 - Install Cadmium and dependencies. 2. Update include path in the makefile in this folder and subfolders. You need to update the following lines: INCLUDECADMIUM=-I ../../cadmium/include INCLUDEDESTIMES=-I ../../DESTimes/include Update the relative path to cadmium/include from the folder where the makefile is. You need to take into account where you copied the folder during the installation process Example: INCLUDECADMIUM=-I ../../cadmium/include Do the same for the DESTimes library NOTE: if you follow the step by step installation guide you will not need to update these paths. 3. Install TensorFlow and Keras 1. open a terminal in the main folder. 2. Install the machine learning dependencies, type in the terminal "sudo ./" 2 - Compile the project and the tests 1 - Open the terminal (Ubuntu terminal for Linux and Cygwin for Windows) in the APS folder 2 - To compile the project and the tests, type in the terminal: make clean; make all 3 - Run tests 1 - Open the terminal in the scripts folder. 2 - To run the test, type in the terminal "./" (For windows, inside the script the executable should be changed to the extension .exe). 3 - To check the output of the test, go to the folder simulation_results. 4 - Run the top model 1 - Open the terminal (Ubuntu terminal for Linux and Cygwin for Windows) in the scripts folder. 2 - To run the model, type in the terminal "./" (For windows, inside the script the executable should be changed to the extension .exe). 3 - To check the output of the model, go to the folder simulation_results and open "stock_prediction_simulator_output_messages.txt".