Python/OpenCl Cellular Automata explorer
I encourage anyone who is willing to contribute to this code do so: Fork the Github repository and upload your successive changes!
Updated to work with python 3.8
sudo apt-get install python-pyopencl
sudo apt-get install python-scipy
sudo apt-get install python-tk
sudo apt-get install python-pygame
- sudo apt-get install nvidia-opencl-dev
- Pending ... Message me at reddit's /u/slackermanz if you have compatibility suggestions!
If your machine can run GPU-accelerated simulations with it should also be able to run this program.
Open the terminal in './PyCl-Convergence/ConwayCL-Final'
Run the Python script './PyCl-Convergence/ConwayCL-Final/' in the terminal with: 'python'
Right Click to toggle pause
Click the scrollwheel or press 'R' key to restart/reseed world
'Forward' mouse button or 'E' key to change rule
'Back' mousebutton or 'T' key to use a Bitmap image seed
'Q' key to toggle image-capture recording (creates a series of Avidemux-compatible Bitmaps)
'P' to wipe the screen clear of all living cells
'F' to toggle use of 'Photographic' filter
'I' to toggle use of 'Game Mode' (Prerequisite: 'F' for Filter Mode must be on)
'0' through '9' to load a rule from the 'RulePlaylist' file
There's Three Modes: DRAW, VIEW, and GAME
DRAW (Typical Default)
Scrollwheel to increase Drawn Square Size
'SPACEBAR' to toggle DRAW or VIEW modes
'SPACEBAR' to toggle DRAW or VIEW modes
The game world will become centered on the mouse location
Scrollwheel to Zoom in or out
GAME (Temporarily Default Override) I disabled all of this
'I' to toggle use of 'Game Mode'
Spacebar or Left Click to shoot at the Mouse Position
'F' to toggle use of 'Photographic' filter