
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Stardew Dumper

This is intended for helping maintain ocmmunity wiki's for Stardew Valley


To compile and build the Mod, requires Visual Studio 2019 To run the Post Processing step, requires Node.JS LTS and Yarn installed


  1. Compile and build the StardewDumper mod
  2. Launch Stardew Valley and load a save
  3. Once your character has woken up you can close Stardew Valley.
  4. Copy the newly made gift_tastes.json file to the input folder of PostProcessing
  5. Navigate to the PostProcessing folder and run yarn in command line
  6. run yarn start and now you should have output/gift_tastes.json updated to match your modded installation.


  • PostProcessing/reference/vanilla_gift_tastes.json is just running StardewDumper on a installation with no mods that add NPC's or items
  • PostProcessing/reference/universal_gift_tastes.json is a manually curated file originally based off Marnie or Alex and then removing items that aren't actually universal and correcting their exceptions