
set up a highly available, redundant Docker registry across multiple Popsites using Ansible.

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT

Distributed Docker Registry with Load Balancers 🐳

This project sets up a highly available, redundant Docker registry across multiple Popsites using Ansible. Each Popsite has a load balancer acting as a reverse proxy for the registry hosted within the site and also forwards traffic to other sites for redundancy.

🐳 Accessing the Registry

to pull an image:

docker pull registry.mastkhiar.xyz/nginx:latest

🚀 Installation and Usage

✅ Prerequisites

  • Ansible installed on the control machine.
  • Access to the target machines via SSH.
  • Docker installed on the target machines.

📋 Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/SinaAboutalebi/docker-ha-registry
    cd docker-ha-registry/ansible
  2. Configure the inventory:

    Edit the inventory/hosts.ini file to include the details of your target machines.

  3. Run the playbooks: To deploy the Docker registry and load balancers, run:

    ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy.yml -i inventory/hosts.ini

📜 Playbook Details

The deploy.yml playbook is the main playbook used to run this project. Here is a breakdown of the playbook and its variables:

- hosts: nodes
  become: true
    registry_network_name: registry-network
    registry_container_name: registry
    registry_image: registry:2
    registry_config_src: config.yml
    registry_config_dest: /opt/volumes/registry/config/config.yml
    registry_data_dest: /opt/volumes/registry/data/
    nginx_container_name: nginx
    nginx_image: nginx:latest
    nginx_config_src: nginxsinglenode.conf.j2
    nginx_config_dest: /opt/volumes/loadbalancer/config/nginx.conf
    nginx_http_host_port: 80
    nginx_http_container_port: 80
    nginx_https_host_port: 443
    nginx_https_container_port: 443
    domain: mastkhiar.xyz

    - common
    - registry
    - loadbalancer

⚙️ Configuration Details

  • Load Balancer Configuration:

    The Nginx configuration for the load balancers is defined in the roles/loadbalancer/templates/nginx.conf.j2 template file. This template is used to generate the actual configuration file on each load balancer.

  • Docker Registry Configuration:

    The Docker registry configuration is specified in the roles/regisry/files/config.yml file, which includes settings such as storage backend, authentication, and more.

🔧 Usage

🐳 Accessing the Registry

Use the global load balancer's address to interact with the Docker registry. For example, to pull an image:

docker pull <global_load_balancer_address>/my-image:tag

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request for any enhancements, bug fixes, or new features.