
💡🏆 A legend to describe programming languages as emojis 🐍☕💻🎹🎬💎🎯🐘🚂📈

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Programming languages as emojis

A legend to describe programming languages as emojis

Programming Language Emoji Unicode Codepoint Rationale
Python 🐍 U+1F40D is snek
Java U+2615 Java is also coffee. They both give you the runs!
C++ 🚀 U+1F4BB C++ go fast and has a totally normal amount of syntax
javascript 🌐 U+1F310 JS is often for web dev (and everything else)
Ruby 💎 U+1F48E Ruby is a precious gem. So is matz.
Swift 🕊️ U+1F3AF Swift logo is a white swallow. The logo is simpler than the emoji!
PHP 🐘 U+1F418 PHP logo is an elephant. Big.
Go 🐹 U+1F682 The Go gopher but without the trademark cracked out eyes
R 📈 U+1F4C8 R is only used for data analysis. Just kidding. R isn't used at all.
Rust 🦀 U+1F980 It's the rust crustacean! Oh no he's not letting me compile!!
Haskell λ U+1F300 if your IQ is too low to comprehend the complexities of the monoid..
C 🧘‍♂️ U+1F9D8 elegant. beautiful. simple. perfSegfault