Building Manaager is an android app that makes for better interaction between building manager and building inhabitants.
In this project building manager can manage some building and all people they inhabit in those buildings. also manager can register notificaion, receipt , repais and so on.
This app is useful and useable for building managers and building inhabitants
this repository is server side app of Building Manager. so you can find android app here
For install this app you first need to fork project in you'r repository and clone that in you'r pc.
you need python3 to run module but before run app you must install REQUIRE.txt on you'r system.
Also you need Mysql or Mariadb to create server side databse.To import data base on you mysql or mariadb you can use followin steps :
- create a user for databse
CREATE USER user_name;
- create a database
- import existing databse table into you'r database
mysql -u user_name -p BUILDING_MANAGER < BUILDING_MANAGER.sql
after creat database you must rewrite as you want.